Chapter 24

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Sitting at my desk at work is no easy feat now that I know Jamie is somewhere in Edinburgh, looking all kinds of handsome and being all kinds of awesome. I just want to be wherever he is. He has very quickly consumed all my thoughts and I struggle to focus on the article I am editing for the magazine. Ironically it's an article about how to focus on the good things in your life when everything else seems to be going so wrong. It's a skill I have managed to perfect over the years and I'm pretty good at focusing on the good things in my life. It now feels strange to me that I don't even have to try, my mind just naturally drifts towards the one amazing thing in my life and I now struggle to focus on anything else.

My head snaps up when a cup of steaming hot coffee is placed on my desk and I look up into the face of my work colleague Sam.

Sam is aesthetically good looking. What I mean by that is that he has it all. The thick, wavy blonde hair, the high cheekbones and strong jaw that you could cut glass on. A small but pointed nose that compliment his big green eyes that sparkle with mischief. He has always got a tan, which is pretty much impossible to maintain in the Scottish climate, so I'm certain it is fake. His style is flawless, but at the moment he is going through a shabby chic phase, hence the distressed denim jeans, creased white t-shirt and worn looking leather jacket.

He looks like he belongs on the cover of GQ.

Unfortunately for all girls who like him, he bats for the other team, but you wouldn't know it or guess it when you first meet him.

The first time Libby met him, she was convinced he was hitting on me, even though we were out in a gay bar.

He is such a sweetheart and I would struggle to get through a working day without him.

"Thank you!" I exclaim, picking up the cup of liquid energy and taking a tentative sip, "You have no idea how much I need this to make me focus at the moment"

"Why? What major thing has happened in your life your GBF should know about?" He perched his rock hard buttocks on the edge of desk and gave me a knowing smile.

"I guess Lib got to you then" I smirked at him, turning back to my computer and clicking save on my first draft of the article. I knew we were settling in for a long conversation and I didn't want to lose anything I had been working on.

"Of course, what I want to know is why she got to me before you did," he demanded, grabbing the arms of my wheelie chair and pulling it so I am sitting in front of him, "Don't you think in the event of the love of your life turning up on your door step unannounced, a quick phone call to explain why you pulled a sickie and left me wondering if you had the Ebola virus or something disgusting like that, was warranted?"

Ok, so you know how I said you wouldn't know Sam was gay when you first met him? That impression changes as soon as he turns on the amateur dramatics.

"I'm sorry boyfriend, I was kind of in the middle of catching up with said love of my life and trying to wrap my head around him being in the same city, as well as on my door step" I explained, just as dramatically, because if he gets to, I'm allowed to as well.

"Ok ok I tell me everything" he smiles cheekily and I roll my eyes playfully, placing my mug back on my coaster.

"Oh Sammy, where do I even start?"


After an hour of trying to explain everything that has happened over the last 4 days, with interruptions to actually try and do some work, I have Sam all caught up.

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