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<< y/n pov >>

i woke up to a knock on the door while i made my way to get it . " tomioka ? what are you doing here so early ? " i asked still tired from the lack of sleep . " i-i just wanted to ask if you want to have breakfast together ... " i silently awed since i knew tomioka wasn't the type to approach someone . " yeah sure but obanai is still asleep tho . " i invited him in as i started preparing breakfast for all of us . " its fine , i want it to be just us anyways ... " i swore i felt my heart skipped a beat . ' this is wrong ... im with obanai . ' i push aside those thoughts as i continued with what i was doing .

" good mornin- " i heard obanai greet me as he paused half way . " good morning . is there anything wrong ? " i smiled as i walked towards him and gave him a hug . " y/n what is he doing here ? " " tomioka said he wanted to have breakfast with me . if you don't mind . but if you do you can join us . " i suggested . i could tell how much obanai hated him just with his expression and tone . to be honest , i didn't get why obanai felt this way towards tomioka . he is a nice guy but just alittle reserved . if you were to know him , he is actually a really fun guy to be with .

despite obanai disliking tomioka's presence he still insisted that he joined us for breakfast today . i was quite surprised . maybe this is a good chance for them to patch up ? i headed back to the kitchen , glancing at the two pillers sitting awkwardly infront of each other at the table . i sighed . ' what could have happened for them to hate each other so much '

" breakfast is ready ! " i placed the plate of food infront of the individuals as we ate in an awkward silence . i could feel the tension in the room . i decided to break the silence since i didn't quite enjoy it . but before i could do so , obanai spoke up . " oi tomioka , why did u suddenly want to have breakfast here huh ... you were thinking that you could hook up with my woman didnt you . " i widened my eyes . ' what is obanai saying '

" i just wanted to have breakfast with a friend " he calmly replied . " friend ? know your place tomioka . " i was getting concern . " obanai , we are just friends " i tried to reassure him . " i know . but tomioka obviously likes you . are you blind . " i was taken aback by obanai's sudden harsh tone . " plus , you are pathetic . friends with a taken woman . is there no one else you can be friends with . its probably because you are so boring . i wonder how sabito even handled you . "

obanai went cross the line . i knew tomioka was sensitive about sabito . " thats too much obanai . " i raised my voice slightly seeing giyuu clearly upset although he tried his best not to show it . " whats he going to do . cry about it ? " obanai laughed . " obanai . " i shot him a death glare but also looking at giyuu from time to time . " thanks for breakfast , i think i should be leaving now . " tomioka stood up , not even half way through his meal yet . " wait i'll walk you out . " i stopped him and followed him to the door .

" im sorry about obanai . you know he is always like that . " i apologised on behalf of obanai . tomioka didn't react to my apology , either did he say anything . " i know you probably don't like obanai but i hope you don't take what he said to heart . " i lightly held onto this sleeve .

he glanced at me before grabbing my hand off his sleeves . he didn't let go of his hand afterwards , leaving me flustered that he didn't realise he was still holding to me . he sighed . " i'll see at training . " that was all he said before he hesitated to leave . " just leave already . " obanai's stern voice made him walk out of obanai's estate .

" what is wrong with u obanai " i asked in a fierce tone after making sure tomioka had left the area .

<< giyuu pov . >>

i sat at a distance away from obanai's estate . hoping that y/n didn't see me there . i could hear them arguing from here . did i feel bad ? no . " so you care for that idiot more than me huh ? ok mitsuri was better anyways . " my mouth gapped hearing those words coming from obanai . i still maintained my monotone expression . ' that brat '

i knew i was a no one to step into their relationship but knowing how y/n is as a person . i knew it was going to lower her confidence . not long after , i was a crying y/n running out of the estate as expected .

<< no one's pov >>

y/n ran out of obanai's estate . she didn't know where she can go next . tears wouldn't stop flowing down her cheeks . she settled down infront of a pond , shutting her eyes letting the tears run . " fuck you , fuck you , fuck you . " she screamed out of frustration . her hands fiddled with her outfit feeling uneasy .

y/n quickly wiped her tears away hearing a pair of footsteps coming closer behind her . trying her best to make herself presentation . " hey i- ... t-tomioka ? " she was genuinely surprised to see him here . " its giyuu . " he correct while she just hum and nodded . " uhm ... what are you doing here " y/n tried to break the awkward atmosphere among them especially after what happened earlier .

" you switch so fast . " giyuu looked over at y/n , meeting her red and puffy eyes . it was obvious she had been crying for awhile now . " haha what do you mean ? " y/n laughed it off , avoiding the statement . " you know what i mean . " giyuu knew exactly what happened and he understood that y/n was trying to throw him off . y/n's smile slowly fade realising he knew .

y/n sighed as she looked at the ground . tears once again gathered up in her eyes . " he's right isn't he . " her words got giyuu's attention . he knew lacked encouragement and comfort . but he himself isn't good at such things . he never knew how exactly is to show concern to others or comfort them . it was probably because he didn't have friends growing up . you be considered his second friend if he was honest . this first being sabito .

" oh right... yesterday night , you were at obanai's estate . why ? " she tried to change the topic . " you were injured during training . i just wanted to know how you're feeling . " a small smile escaped y/n's lips knowing that even through his stoic expression . he still had a caring heart .

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