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<< y/n pov >>

something was off about him definitely . he was acting weird today . he not only was he extra quiet today but he also only had two bites of his simmered salmon . at the same time , maybe i was just making things up . i thought about it for awhile . ' i should apologise . '

with that in mind , i proceeded to go to giyuu's estate .


i was hesitant to even knock the door . ' what if he thinks im annoying . whay if he-' " y/n ? " he opened the door before i could knock it . " oh er i just wanted to apologise . " since it was already late . it was starting to get chilly . he noticed my small actions in attempt to cool myself down and hence invited me into the estate .

we sat on his futon while he served me a cup of luke warm tea . " i.. i just wanted to say sorry if i made you mad earlier today . " i said softly , not wanting to trigger anything . " i wasn't . " my lips formed into an 'o ' shape . i was just overthinking things . part of me was relieved knowing that he wasn't mad at me . there was a comfortable silence between us .

" do you really want to know . " he asked out of the blue . my eyes lit up , curious to know . i hummed looking at him with my eyes which are filled with curiosity . he looked at with pity before looking away . " i walked pass mitsuri's estate today before seeing you . i saw obanai exiting her estate . they probably spent the night together . " he kept it short and simple . i froze . i didn't want to make a fuzz yet . " b-but he might have just gone to grab something there . " i tried my best to defend obanai .

" he didn't deny it when i confronted him . " i felt my whole world crash just purely by words . we haven't officially ended things yet hes hooking up with another woman . the thought of it made me sick as tears swell up in my [e/c] eyes . ' he wont right . he wont ' deep down i knew he would . but i just couldn't bring myself to believe it .

" believe me if you want . i am not in any position to tell you anything . " giyuu did nothing wrong , yet he sounded so scared that he might have lost a friend . i knew giyuu only wanted the best for me . i gather up all my courage " i believe you . " i was upset , but i somewhat expected it to be her . i hugged my knees hiding my face in between them while giyuu watched me in my vulnerable state .

he wasn't the type to confront others . my mind was blank . all i felt was pain after pain . my hope for me and obanai subsided . ' why must i love him out of everyone . ' soon , i felt him ruffle my hair . it did cheered me up alittle knowing he really wanted to make me feel better . i look up at him with my red eyes .

" giyuu ... you want to make me feel better don't you ? " i said in between sobs . " i do . but i don't know ho- " i hushed him my index finger . my other hand cupped his cheeks . my eyes staring into his dark ocean eyes . " you don't have to do anything ... just follow my lead . " i started leaning forward to meet his lips .

<< no one's pov >>

giyuu wanted her . more than anything . but that would mean he would be taking advantage of her . especially at the state she was in . " i don't think we-" giyuu tried to keep his posture despite the situation he was in now . he knew y/n was not in her right mind . he knew she was doing in on impulse . he knew her intention was just to feel better . but if this was the what was going to make her feel better and forget the pain , he would do it . he could tell y/n lost a piece her old self tonight .

although he wanted this for himself  , all he wish was to help her . ever since sabaito sacrificed himself for giyuu , he has always felt like he didn't deserve to be a pillar . he felt that he wasn't strong or worthy to be a pillar . " i won't be able to do that . all i ever am ... is a disappointment . " giyuu muttered , his head hang low in embarrassment only to be lifted up by y/n's soft and smooth's finger tips .

" you have never been disappointment to me . " she gave him a reassuring smile . giyuu's eyes widened . his pupils dilated in awe . his hands grabbed the back of her hair crashing their lips together . he felt warm on the inside . y/n . she made him feel useful . she made him feel like he had someone to lean on . she made him feel like he was valid .

their lips melted against each other's as their tongues danced together . the moment was heated . it no longer felt wrong for giyuu . it just felt like it was their way of expressing gratitude towards each other . a very unusual way of expressing gratitude . y/n felt a warm liquid come in contact with her cheek . it wasn't her tears .

for the first time giyuu displayed his vulnerable self .


" you can sleep on the futon i'll sleep on the floor . " giyuu offered . " no ... stay with me please . " y/n gently tucked giyuu's shirt . he took a moment process her request before slipping in to sharing the futon . y/n rapped her arms around the bigger male . cuddling onto him tightly meanwhile giyuu placed his chin on her head . pulling her even closer than before . they felt even more comfortable in each other's embrace .

though her heart was broken , she felt comfort that was enough to mend it for now .


btw if you guys are wondering , they didn't ' do it ' . they just made out and thats it 😄

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