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y/n cried buckets on his shoulders after hearing that . " you're really an idiot . " she scolded him but he only hugged her tighter . he kept his promise . his heart hurt . since then . he made another promise . it was to stay with her no matter what .


muzan starred into the mood light . he was not happy by the fact that y/n softened her heart for the hashira . it wasn't unexpected considering she loved him . " she will have to return to me anyways . " he smirked .


over the past few weeks , not once had giyuu left y/n's side . other than training and eating , he has always remained with her . he didn't want her to feel like shes alone ever again . he wants to mend his mistakes and makeup for what has happened to her . although it was hard for y/n to open up after all the trauma she had experienced , she had slowly gotten more and more comfortable with him again .

y/n currently resting on giyuu's shoulders , his arms around her shoulders . " what if i am not able to turn into a human again . " y/n was worried since she had received a huge amount of muzan's blood already . " im sure they will . " giyuu tried to reassure her despite knowing the chances are small . " if recantation was real , wait for me . " she knew if she couldn't become a human again , they would have to kill her .

giyuu nodded . he'll wait . even if its 10 or 20 years , he'll wait for her . after all , his goal in life was just to be with her . with that said he couldn't wait for them to be together again . but as normal humans . not demons , not hashiras . he moved away from y/n standing up " i need the head for training soon . i'll be back . " he said earning a nod from y/n . she was alone in the darkness .

" you've forgiven him already ? " a voice popped up in her mind . " muzan ? " " yes . you can hear me , can you ? " y/n tried to ignore the voice , she thought she was just hallucinating . " now now , don't avoid me . " it then hit her . he was in her mind , she had the control to stop it . she grabbed her head slamming it against the wall . blood dripped down onto the ground , staining it .

soon she heard the footsteps coming towards her . her eyes lit up thinking it was giyuu . her excitement died down when it wasn't him . her teeth clenched while her nails clawed the ground , making a dent . " what wrong y/n ? weren't you so inlove with him . " the voice said making y/n look up at the male . it was obanai . " no... no " she said out loud . " y/n... calm down . " she did slightly manage to get ahold of herself but she was still panting hard .

" it was him that caused everything , don't you think ? " muzan asked y/n . she wasn't sure . she suspected it but she had no prove . " it was you that told giyuu about us being fuck buddies wasn't it . " obanai's eyes widened in shock . he felt guilty . he never wished for y/n to become a demon ever . y/n took his silence as a yes . " why ... we were nothing . " y/n look at obanai with her red glowing eyes . obanai had no excuse . he knew what he did was wrong . he knew what he did led to everything now .

" you hate him don't you ? " muzan interrupted y/n " i do . " she felt even anger at the whole situation . " kill him y/n . i know you have the power to . " the more muzan brain washed y/n , the more she started to lose control over herself . she wanted to rip his arms off and eat him right on the spot . after all , she hasn't had human flesh in awhile . she could really some right now . " whats stopping you y/n " " i-i... "

" just kill him y/n . it would end all your pain wouldn't it ? " muzan was right . if she killed obanai , it would solve everything . she would no longer have to suffer anymore . at the same time , if she killed another human , she would be killed immediately and giyuu would no longer be a hashira . she knew giyuu had always wanted to be a hashira , thats why he worked so hard everyday improving himself . " no... no... giyuu can't be a hashira if i kill him . no . " she held her head , groaning from frustration .

obanai watch everything unfold before him . he wondered who could y/n be talking to . there was no way she could be talking to herself about all of this . " he is the real reason you became a demon . " y/n snapped at what muzan said . she broke out of the chain that was rapped around her leg and held obanai down , pinning him tightly . obanai was stunned . he couldn't even move to defend himself . he was seeing a whole new y/n .

" NO " giyuu used all his body strength to push y/n over pinning her instead . luckily , obanai was still unharmed . y/n struggled under giyuu . " come back y/n " giyuu knew it wasn't her . it was her inner demon that took control over her . after awhile she stopped . her body was somewhat at peace . obanai took this opportunity and left , he was traumatised .

y/n bawled . she couldn't control her inner demons . but no one could do anything about it . it was all in her mind . giyuu threw himself onto y/n , giving her a reassuring hug . " its fine now . " her tears drenched his shirt . giyuu was glad he managed to stop her a second before she did anything to obanai . soon , y/n pass out from exhaustion .

<< y/n pov >>

i woke up in an area of white . i was alone . i don't even know i am in reality . the last thing i remembered doing was crying in giyuu's arms . " don't let yourself get ahead of me . " i heard someone say but not a shadow to be found . " you'll have to return to me one day . " i recognised the voice . it was muzan's . what did he mean by i'll return back to him . " you might be your own demon but remember i still own you . " i feared for myself . " i'll let you have your fun , till then . " it was the last thing he said before i pass out again .

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