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tw : blood and gore
: skip if you are uncomfortable


" no . " y/n turned down his offer . she just wanted to be known as a normal demon . but the strongest one . muzan chuckled . " thats fine but you're missing out on a huge opportunity . " he tried to tempt her again . " i don't need it . i can be my own demon . " muzan caress her head . y/n's eyes widened . as if it triggered something . it reminded her of giyuu . how he used to always pat her head or caress it .

she immediately grabbed muzan's wrist pinning him onto the wall . she didn't want anyone doing that to her ... other than him... " woah woah . calm down . " muzan easily got out of her grip . " heart break huh ? " y/n clenched her teeth which were stained with blood .  " don't worry . you will still be my favourite demon . " he laughed before walking away , y/n still clenching onto her teeth glaring at his every move .


" craw tomioka giyuu , you have a mission near the forest . many males that stayed there had gone missing . please head over now . "  his crow announced . he sighed . y/n hasn't left his mind the past few weeks . either had he heard from her at all . there was no sign of her . even the other hashiras have claimed that they haven't spotted her anywhere . he was worried but he had his ego too high to go find her . mainly because he was scared .

he knew y/n would not be happy to see him . he got ready . wearing his haori , grabbing his sword as he walked towards the venue .


y/n gobbled down yet another male . she licked her bloody fingers clean . she jumped onto the roof of a random hut , sensing another scent making his way here . her attention fixed onto the male rushing over to the half eaten body . y/n eyes glossed up . oh how much she missed him .

but she wasn't the same y/n as before . her fist balled up as she raged . she jumped onto the hashira , catching him off guard by the sudden attack . y/n tried to hide her face as much as possible while trying to attack him . she attached herself onto his back . the hashira used his breathing form but before he could even land a hit on her , she had already disappeared and reappear at another area . this happened multiple of times .

at some point , the hashira wondered why the demon wasn't attacking him back . but instead just dogged all of his attacks . y/n's movements slipped . the hashira managed to pin her down , his sword ready to cut off her neck when he froze . his lower lip quivered and his pupils dilated . y/n didn't dare to look at him but face the side . her jawline fully exposed . even though it has only been two weeks since giyuu last saw her but she was almost like a different person .

non of her features resembled her . she had different orbs , hands and hair . his heart softened at the sight of her . y/n felt warm tears dropped onto her cheek . giyuu couldn't help but shad a few tears seeing the state y/n has become . " y-y/n... " part of him was glad he found her . but just not at the state he wanted to see her as . giyuu's first instinct was to blame himself for all of this .

maybe if he didn't ask her to leave that night all of this wouldn't have happened . maybe if he had trusted her . y/n took advantage of this and gathered all her strength to flip them over . now y/n was pinning giyuu down . y/n stared at giyuu's crying face emotionlessly . she was immune to the pain . giyuu wasn't even doing anything to defend himself . y/n could have killed him if she wanted to but she managed to hold herself back from doing so .

giyuu understood it was a hashira's job to slay demons regardless of the situation . but he couldn't lay his hands on her . " weak . " she scoffed using her razor sharp tone . both of them remain in this position for awhile . " kill me hashira . isnt that your job ? " she laughed like a mantic as warm liquid rolled down her cheek . " i... fucking hate you... " he knew he deserved it . he was the reason she became like this . giyuu reached his hands to touch y/n cheeks . to his surprise she didn't move away .

y/n enjoyed his touch . it was familiar and it was exactly what she was longing for . more than blood . ' it was all his fault . ' this was the only thing running in y/n mind . she moved her hands , in attempt to scratch his face but giyuu's reflexes was fast enough . he placed his sword infront of him causing y/n to grab into his sword . blood poured out of her hands as she grabbed onto it harder , applying more pressure into it . giyuu try to remove the sword from her hand . it seems that the more try , the more blood it would cause y/n to lose .

" LET GO " giyuu shouted not waiting to hurt y/n even more . with the twist of y/n's hand , his sword broke into two . a snapping sound could be heard coming from the sword as it snap . " what the how- " he exclaimed in his head . he wondered exactly how strong was y/n to be able to break his sword with just a twist of her hands . " catch me . " she smiled like a psycho before collapsing onto giyuu's arms .

after all of this , she still trusted him that he wouldn't kill her . hence she decided to fall onto giyuu's arms out of tiredness . giyuu placed her down in the shelter , fear that the sun might rise anytime now . he sat there while she slept . his hands moving away the pieces of hair stuck onto her face due to the sweat . her [h/c] hair has now turned pale white . she still looked beautiful to giyuu . giyuu placed his forehead on her , they were so close to the point he could feel her warm breath on him .

he wanted to spend every moment with her even if she was a demon .

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