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<< y/n pov >>

i still in the same position . my eyes shot open as i i felt an imaginary thread snap into two . i gasped . my first instinct was giyuu . weather he was okay . something just didn't sit right in me . i fiddled with my fingers as my mind flooded with thoughts of giyuu . i was scared . i wanted to help him like how he would always help me when i needed him . like how he would always be there for me . i used all my strength , trying to free myself from the chain that held me down .

i groaned , unable to free myself . with afew more harsh pulls , i manage to break the chain , my ankle was red due to how hard the chain tied me in place . i used my feet to kick open , leaving the basement . i ran towards the mountain , praying that giyuu would be fine . sweat dripped down my forehead as i slowly start to run out of breath . " please be okay . " i whispered under my breath , my legs running non stop .

once i arrived at the scene , horror filled me . half of the hashiras was already dead . while the others still desperately tried to fight muzan . they were too focused on the task that they didn't even realise my presence . i saw giyuu resting beside a tree . he looked badly injured . with blood down his face and bruises everywhere . i rushed towards him . my lips quivered in fear as i tried to wake up him by shaking him slightly .

it caused giyuu to slowly come back to his senses . i heaved a sigh of relief . i was glad that giyuu was still alive . he looked surprised that i showed up to help . i look at the hashira's struggling to defeat muzan so i decided to step in and help . i used my blood demon art onto muzan causing him to fly due to the unexpected attack . he stood up again wiping the blood off his lips . " glad to see you here y/n . " muzan smirked . i gritted my teeth throwing another attack .

for a good 10 minutes , it was just a battle between me and muzan . the rest of the hashiras were watching us . giyuu wanted to step in and help but he was too weak to even stand up . he look towards the sky , realised it was going to be sunrise soon . he panicked . if sunrise was to come , muzan would be dead but at the same time , so is y/n . " Y/N ITS ALMOST SUNRISE . GET IN THE SHADE . " giyuu shouted at the top of his lungs , trying to warn me .

<< no one's pov >>

he didn't care if muzan were to hear him and escape , he just wanted y/n to be save . y/n looked over at giyuu acknowledging him with a nod but she looked like she had no intention of going into the shade . " get away . " muzan said with his gritted teeth . y/n only grabbed onto him tighter , not letting go at all . " you idiot . " muzan scolded her trying to detach his own arm but failed when y/n decided to hold his neck , choking him . the sunlight was slowly started to dawn on them .

giyuu watched in shock as the sunlight was getting closer and closer towards them . " Y/NNNN " giyuu shouted , gathering all his strength , making his way to push y/n into the shade . muzan and y/n both groaned feeling the sunlight burn their skin . y/n still held muzan , not letting go or moving . muzan could feel his skin melting off in the sunlight , so as y/n . muzan looked at y/n before taking his nail and plunged it into her .

she groaned in pain feeling muzan's blood fill her up . " its you y/n . be the queen of the demons on my behalf . " he poured all his blood into y/n before throwing her into the shade as muzan disintegrated into ashes . giyuu rushed towards y/n . she was laying down onto the ground , her face hidden from giyuu .

there were veins on y/n hands and neck . she softly groaned . sitting up looking at giyuu while giyuu looked at her in horror .

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