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last night felt magical for the both of them . y/n had finally fell inlove with him after what seemed like forever .

y/n fell asleep on giyuu's shoulder . although giyuu had to carry y/n back , he didn't mind . after all those waiting , it was all worth it . the next day , giyuu woke up first , with his arms rapped around her . the thought of her loving him back made him feel electric . his heart was contented .

giyuu decided to let y/n sleep in peace while he headed for training . he got ready and gave y/n a peck on the forehead before exiting the estate . he made his way to the training area when he was stopped by a familiar voice .

he turn towards it only to see obanai . a familiar rival . " what are you and y/n " he asked with an unimpressed pitch . " its non of your business . " his tone towards y/n and obanai was like two different person . " how is that not my business . like i said he is never going to be yours . " this time , giyu wasn't affected by his words anymore . " you should give up . y/n likes me . " giyuu said with such power and confidence in his words .

" i don't think she does . " giyuu teeth clenched . who was obanai to doubt y/n . " either that or she hasn't been honest with you . " this next sentence threw him off . he was invested in it . " you have no clue that me and y/n are fuck buddies do you . " obanai had no choice . he needed y/n to be his again . "
y/n wouldn't do such things . " giyuu tried his best to defend y/n . she wouldn't do something like that to him , would she ?

he wanted to trust her . " seems like you don't really know her that well do you ? " obanai walked over to giyuu placing his hands on giyuu's shoulder . " remember the ring you saw on her finger the other day ? if she really loved you then why does she have it on still ? " giyuu hasn't really took much notice of the ring . " did you really think she would like you , tomioka " giyuu shrugged obanai's arms off his shoulders .

" hey heyy , dont get too salty . i just wanted to warn you . " obanai put on a fake friendly tone . he smirked at his victory as he walked away leaving giyuu all alone with his thoughts . just as he thought he and y/n were doing well , obanai came along and ruined everything .

during the entire training , he wasn't focusing on what he was doing . all he could think of was y/n . why would y/n lie that she loved him . once he was done with training , he returned to the estate . he was greeted by y/n welcoming him back . " welcome back ! " y/n leaned in to give him a peck only for him to turn around and walk away . y/n's eyebrows kitted at the change in attitude from yesterday to tday . " whats wrong ? "

giyuu was disappointed . " is there something you're not telling me y/n ? " y/n mumbled a soft ' huh ' under her breath . " no ? " she saw giyuu let out a sigh . " when are you going to tell me then . " giyuu spoke once again with his dead tone. " i don't know what you're talking about- " " you and obanai . " y/n was beyond confused at this point . she and obanai had already ended things . there was nothing she was hiding .

" what are you talking about ? " she said with an innocent and confused tone only made giyuu angrier . " when are you going to tell me you guys are fuck buddies . " giyuu raised his voice . " what ? we are not . " she wondered what happened for giyuu to assume this . she knew she had asked obanai to be fuck buddies but she had already ended things with him completely .

" do you even love me y/n . " giyuu side-eyed her . y/n's eyes watered . " i admit i did ask him to be fuck buddies but i have already ended things with him completely . " she tried to hide her sobs . she did nothing wrong . she had no idea why giyuu was acting this way . despite what she said , it didn't change giyuu's expression or actions . " and i only love you... " y/n hang her head low . " get out . " giyuu's stern voice made her jump . she had never seen this side of him .

" do you not trust me... " y/n said with a low voice . " i said get out . " giyuu repeated by his volume increased slightly . with that y/n ran out of his estate , full on sobbing , slamming the door on her way out . giyuu was left alone , gathering his thoughts . he felt bad but at this point he didn't know who to believe . obanai's words made sense but giyuu didn't think y/n would lie about it . he decided to take a nap , hopping to clear his mind at the moment .


<< y/n's pov >>

i ran . as far away as i could away from where the hashiras stayed . my clothes were soaked from the sudden downpour . the raindrops mixed with my tears rolled down my face .

yet another failed relationship .

yet i lost another person i loved .

after a few moments , i was in the middle of nowhere , trees surrounded me as the clouds drifted across the night sky . the stars widely spread out across it completing the look . it reminded me of when giyuu and i went star gazing . it brought even more pain . it felt like a cycle . i fall inlove , i enjoy the moment and it ends with a broken heart .

giyuu was my last hope after obanai . now that he is gone , i really have no one . i was too into my own thoughts to realise someone was behind me . i could tell it wasn't someone i was familiar with . i didn't run away from them . life felt meaningless now . if they were to attack me , i would let them .

after all what was the point of living .

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