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<< y/n pov >>

it was a tough decision . it was tough to accept the past . but i knew i had to . for giyuu , for myself . i felt a weight lifted off my shoulders . i felt free . i header to giyuu's training area . my eyes lit up seeing him hard at work . training alone , mastering his breathing . he was so focused that he didn't even realise i was watching him from afar .

there was many replica demons for him to his breathing forms on . despite the scotching weather , it didn't stop him from his hard work . he was panting profusely , sweat dripping on the side of his forehead . he mad a jump , both hands holding into his sword as he executed a breathing form , slaying the replica demon . my eyes here fixed into his every move . " y/n ? " he noticed my presence , pausing his training walking towards me .

<< no one's pov >>

it was the first time y/n showed up at his training . giyuu thought he was hallucinating for a moment . never had he thought that y/n would come to visit him . " h-hey . " y/n sent him a wave , walking towards him . " what are you doing here . " he asked . " t-the weather is quite hot , so i thought i would bring you some water . " she said holding up a bottle of water . it was a lie . she just wanted to see him .

" thanks . " he took the bottle , settling down to rest in the shade with her . y/n admired his side profile while giyuu intensely chucked down the bottle of water . y/n brought her sleeves to giyuu's forehead , swiping the droplets of sweat , grabbing his attention . giyuu placed his hands on the shorter girl's head . " you're acting weird today . " y/n was bewildered . " what do you mean im acting weird ? "

" you're acting so nice all of a sudden . " y/n jokingly gave him a glare . " you make it sound like im always mean . " she pouted slightly . " thank you . " his soft and gentle voice made her heart melt . she couldn't control herself , throwing herself onto him giving him a tight hug . " y-y/n ... im sweating and gross . " she didn't seemed to care .

" are you not going to hug me back ? " she said with her arms tightly rapped around his stomach and waist , her face on his chest . giyuu rested his palms on her back of her head . feeling her hair tickling his arm . giyuu was happy . he manage to slowly open her heart up to him . it was almost like a dream come true for him . he missed this side of her .

similarly , he wondered how she switched so fast . y/n was still breaking hearts yesterday . but all of a sudden , she stopped . usually at this time of the day , she would be out , partying or having a date . she stopped just because of what happened last night ?... because of him ?

after a few moments , they pulled away . " i've decided ... im going to move on from the past ... " giyuu was speechless . she had no idea how happy he was to hear it . especially from her . " i want to love you ... " y/n clenched her eyes , her cheeks had a tint of pink . " so... please give me some time ... i promise . " just then she felt his soft lips land on her forehead , with his hands still rested on her head . giving her gentle pats .

" i will give you all the time you need . " his tone was different . it wasn't the bored and emotionless tone he always had . it sounded sweet . y/n opened her eyes , seeing giyuu lean in closer , his eyes shut . on the other hand y/n decided to tease him . she pull him away by his chest . giyuu's eyes shot open immediately . " go take a shower . you stink . " she laughed standing up walking back to his estate .

she took frequent glances at him , hinting him to follow . giyuu wasn't mad . he was happy she wanted to love him . for the first time , life wasn't meaningless . he had something to keep him going day by day now .

and it was to hear her say she loved him .


short chapter but heres some fluff 😁

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