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10 years later ;

" ahh tomioka , do you have any plans for christmas ? " shinobu asked in her usual loving tone . giyuu had his attention on the new paper he was reading . giyuu was already in his 30s . they have retired from the hashiras . since muzan was already defeated , there was no need for demon slayers anymore . surprisingly , shinobu and giyuu had became pretty close friends . but no one could replace the place y/n held in giyuu's heart . he was dedicated to his promise . he waited for years to see y/n again . but he hasn't exactly met her yet .

" do you want to go get sweaters ? " shinobu asked again as the winter arrived in the city of tokyo . giyuu hummed grabbing his jacket before headed out with her . they walked from store to store to look for sweaters . giyuu wasn't the type to shop around . he only went along because shinobu invited him to . he waited for shinobu to pick out her sweater as boredom filled him up . " don't look so bored tomioka . we are shopping , go enjoy yourself . " giyuu sighed as he headed to the men's section .

he looked at the sweaters that was displayed infront of a large clear window . he flip through each sweater to see which one he liked more but someone caught his eyes . she passed by the large window , laughing sweetly with her few friends . his eyes widened as he silently gasped . " hey tomioka wh- " he rushed out of the store going after her . she had [h/l ] , [h/c] hair just like y/n when she was a human . there was no way it wasn't her . every one of her features matched up to y/n's .

giyuu ran after her , bumping into others on the way , going pass many stores . " Y/N " he called out , bending his knees trying to catch his breath from all the running . she turned around hearing her name being called out . giyuu walked towards her , taking a closer look . his heart was pounding profusely . he hasn't felt this feeling in so long . y/n could only stare at him while her friends watched their interaction . " er ... yall go ahead ... i'll be there soon . " she told her friends as they left her alone .

" its you isn't it . " giyuu felt a gushed of happiness . seeing his love one just infront of him after a decade . " do you ... remember me ? " y/n's eyes glossed . a smiled formed at the end of her lips , reaching her hand out to his cheeks . giyuu immediately grabbed it and placed it on his cheek for her . " i do , husband . " their lips crashed . they have missed each other . they felt complete . all the waiting was worth it . shinobu watched them from a distance , a small smiled formed seeing how y/n and giyuu found each other again .

she was glad giyuu was finally happy again . she was happy for them . they pulled away , their cheeks heated up despite the chilly weather . they want nothing more than to be with each other right now . they sure do have alot to catch up on . " did you miss me ?  " y/n asked as he replied " so much . " they started a conversation , walking down the streets of tokyo hand in hand .

it was a fresh start to their relationship as they continue to walk hand in hand till their hairs turned grey .

- end -

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