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<< no one's pov >>

y/n made her way back to giyuu's estate . her steps were unstable due to obanai earlier . she felt a warm feeling in her heart . atleast now she somewhat have a connection with him . although it wasn't what she really wanted , she still hoped to cherish it .

" im home . " she called out , letting herself lay down on the couch with her arms over her eyes . she was tired and it wasn't even late into the night . there was no reply . she assumed that giyuu was probably out training or mission . she lazily made her way to get changed into a more comfortable clothing .

she sat down on the futon , with the new clothes on lap as she removed her old ones . her bare back fully exposed to whoever that walked into the room . " what is that . " y/n jumped . she quickly put on her shirt turning to face the male . " what " she was confused on what he was talking about .

" your neck . " her hands ran across her neck feeling a slight sting at an area . she looked into the mirror noticing a dark purple spot . ' what the fuck . i told him not to suck my neck . ' y/n mentally cursed . " i-its nothing . " y/n used her hand to cover up the obvious spots that was on her neck .

although giyuu sucked at showing expression , it was obvious that there was slightly mix of anger , disappointment and jealousy written on his face . he went up to her , grabbing onto the collar of her shirt causing her to take her hand away from her neck , revealing the spot . he took a closer look at it . " who was it . " he gently released . " i-i told you , it was nothing . " there was no escape now . giyuu glared at her . with nothing but jealousy in his eyes .

he knew you always messed around with other guys . but it was never to an extend he would see you return with a hickey on your neck . he grabbed her wrist and held it up . he saw the ring on her finger . i recognised who it belonged to . " who . " y/n trembled in fear , not used to this side of him . he knew who it was . he just wanted y/n to be honest with him .

" i- ... " y/n gulped . cold sweat running down her forehead . she was scared to tell him who it was . she knew it would piss giyuu off if she did . she was scared giyuu would ignore her afterwards . she was afraid of abandonment . " it was obanai wasn't it . " y/n was astonished . giyuu's guessed it almost effortlessly . " w-what i ... " she wanted to deny it , he had no prove anyways .

just when y/n thought , giyuu made her look at her finger . it was obanai's ring . she had no idea . obanai must have slipped it on her without her realising it . " wait no giyuu i can explain . " " you don't have it ... its not like we are together anyways. " he was clearly upset . giyuu place her wrist down , not leaving his grip on her .

" y/n... do you ... not feeling anything for me ... after all these while . " he asked , his gaze on the floor . something struck y/n . she didn't know . she was at this peak where she couldn't even identify what was real love and what wasn't anymore . either did she thought anyone would love her at this stage of her life . even though obanai said he loved her . she was convinced that he said it just so she would sleep with him .

y/n laughed . a painful one . " even if i did . no one will love me back . " she laughed through the pain . " i am pathetic . " . a solemn tear rolled down her cheek . her body felt calm compared to her tangled mind .

" i love you . y/n "

" you don't . "

it pained giyuu seeing how y/n lost trust in everyone . " believe it or not . i do . " he felt a weight lifted off his shoulders after spilling out his feelings . at the same time , he knew it was hard for y/n to take in all of this . " so you like someone that messes with other guys hearts and is so broken that almost nothing can fix it ?! you're just as pathetic giyuu . " she exclaimed . giyuu knew she didn't meant it . she was just overwhelmed by what was happening .

giyuu turned them around pushing her onto the futon . hovering above her . " what will it take for you to believe me. " she smirked lazily , her hands ran through his long raven hair . " have me . " he knew exactly what she meant .

" i won't " there she goes again . using pleasure as her escape . giyuu wasn't going to let her or take advantage of her . " didn't you say you love me ? " she was manipulative . it led giyuu to wondering if this was what happened to y/n and obanai earlier for the exact same reason .

" i do but pleasure is not the only way to show love . " y/n groaned at what giyuu said . " you are no funn . "she pulled the nape of his neck , forcing his lips on her . she hungrily kiss him while he just stared at her , not kissing her back . he pull away . " please . " she look at him with doe eyes hoping he would show her sympathy .

she was disgusted by herself . " i want to love you . " she pinched the sleeves of his haori . oh how much he wanted her to return the feelings . he wanted her to forget about obanai . " make me forget everyone else but you ... " he was tempted . he secretly bit his lips to contain himself . he didn't want to do something he would regret .

" giyuu . i want you ... " those words that giyuu desired to hear from her . he was losing his control by the second . he knew he could have just left go of his grip on her and everything would stop . he didn't want it to end . it was a rare opportunity , once it a lifetime for giyuu . " forget it . i don't want to force u into anything . " y/n said slightly disappointed .

" no y/n i... " he was scared to continue . he want it so bad . but the fact that her heart still belonged to someone else made him hesitate . " don't hold it back . " she could tell giyuu was holding back with all his might . giyuu didn't want it to be just a one time fuck . he wanted to make it special for her . he wanted her to feel the love she deserved . she has been through so much now .

he slowly started lowering himself onto her . he started by peppering kisses on the neck . y/n gasped . her hands tangled around his hair . it felt different . it wasn't lust . she felt the love that she lacked .


lets hope y/n wasn't using giyuu for herself 😩🤞🏻

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