Lockdown Pt2

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'Alexander, wake up!' Magnus sweetly called out.
'Cuddle time' Alec grumbled into the pillow.
'We have already had cuddles' Magnus laughed and went into their bedroom. He crouched down by Alec's side of the bed.
'But I want more' Alec pouted.
'Later, now come on my love. You have some shadowhunters to brief' Magnus smiled and kissed Alec's forehead.
'Alright, alright' Alec rolled his eyes. They had only been in lockdown for 4 days. And this had become the usual routine. Alec would brief and be on and off work as not a lot of shadowhunters had to be in the field.
'So what outfit are we wearing today?' Magnus asked as Alec walked to their wardrobes.
'I don't know, that' Alec pointed at the repeatedly grey hoodie worn by him.
'That's got holes, Alexander' Magnus rolled his eyes.
'You pick then' Alec frowned.
'Don't get frowny with me, Mister' Magnus shook his head and laughed. Giving a small kiss on the cheek to Alec.
'Here are some clothes, go get changed' Magnus handed them to his husband.
'Fine' Alec rolled his eyes whilst Magnus walked out of their bedroom into the kitchen.
Alec finished getting changed and pulled out his computer. 'Hello, Fellow Shadowhunters. I hope you are all staying safe. But onto some news, there were 3 demon attacks in Brooklyn. So I want you all to be aware and ready. If you are in the Brooklyn area please be ready for mission. Thank you'
'Happy, now? I've done the briefing' Alec sighed and sat down on the sofa.
'Somebody woke up on the wrong of bed this morning' Magnus smirked.
'I just hate it, not seeing people' Alec grumbled.
'Have you managed to call your siblings?' Magnus asked.
'No they haven't been picking up. Too busy doing what straight people do' Alec rolled his eyes and then fell into Magnus' chest.
'Don't look at me! I don't know what they do' Magnus looked back at Alec.
'I'm sorry, I'm rambling' Alec sighed.
'It's ok baby' Magnus kissed Alec's forehead.
'Why don't we do something to take your mind off it?'
'We could do each other' Alec whispered.
'You can't suggest sex every time' Magnus gasped.
'I'm just helping babe' Alec nodded.
'You know what we could do?' Magnus suggested.
'What?' Alec grinned.
'You can make us breakfast!' Magnus grinned.
'Why me?' Alec sighed.
'Your the best at it and u look really hot when you cook' Magnus winked.
'Only for you' Alec got up and gave Magnus a kiss before making breakfast. Magnus followed him and leant against the counter.
'You know what would be even hotter?' Magnus blushed.
'What, honey?' Alec smirked.
'If you cooked with just the apron on. But like naked' Magnus smiled.
'Nope. Most definitely not' Alec shook his head as he went to the fridge.
'But..' Magnus tired to say.
'No buts.. It's dangerous. Anyway, come
on. Breakfast is severed' Alec smiled proudly.
'Thank you' Magnus said and sat opposite Alec.
'Your welcome!' Alec replied. 'Ok, so what do you wanna do after this?'
'I'm not sure, if we were at home we would of gone out already' Magnus shrugged.
'I guess with the stay at home order you have
to make your own fun' Alec assumed.
Alec's phone started ringing. 'Speaking of fun' He said in a sarcastic tone.
'Take it' Magnus nodded. Alec walked away so he could take the call.
'Jace! Whats going on?' I have been trying to call you and now you decide to pick up' Alec complained.
'Sorry to ruin the fun but there has been a security breach at the insitute. You have to come now!' Jace urgently said.
'Do you have any details?' Alec asked quickly.
'Not at the moment no, sorry' Jace replied.
'Ok I'm on my way' Alec ended the call and walked back to Magnus.
'Sorry, baby. I'm gonna have to go back. Somethings happened' Alec explained.
'Shall I come with you?' Magnus asked.
'It's ok. It's safer for you here. I will back home
as soon as possible, I promise' Alec kissed Magnus' forehead before leaving with his jacket in hand. He glamoured himself and got the insitute.
'What's going on?' Alec announced as he reached the ops centre.
'I'm not sure but we got the tech guys on it' Jace explained.
'Good, I want routine check ups on the systems. Do we know if somebody is in the building?' Alec asked.
'All cameras look clear' Clary nodded.
'Ok. You need to stay alert next time. There has been more demon attacks' Alec said.
'Yeah we will' Jace nodded. Alec nodded back before checking the screens. No obvious threat.
'So what do straight people do during lockdown' Alec asked as he went to his office.
'The same as gay people' Clary laughed.
'So cuddle, eat, have sex, eat, sleep and repeat?' Alec raised an eyebrow.
'No not that' Jace shook his head.
'Everything seems good here' Alec nodded.
'Keep me posted, yeah?'
'Don't you worry, Alec. I will' Jace smiled and hugged his brother. Alec's phone rang.
'Sorry I have to take this' Alec hesitated.
'Booty calla' Jace laughed as he realised it was Magnus. Alec rolled his eyes and Jace walked out his office.
'Hey sweetie, what's up?' Alec said through the phone cheerfully.
'Alexander...Alexander' Magnus coughed.
'Baby? What's going on?' Alec quickly replied.
'Demon got me. Broke into the apartment. I need you' Magnus managed to find the words.
'I'm coming. Just stay there' Alec rapidly said.
'Jace!' Alec called out.
'What's wrong?' Jace panicked.
'That demon got to Magnus. I need you to call Izzy and get Clary. I want you killing that thing now. I need to go to my husband' Alec planned out than ran out the door. Using the speed rune, he got there as quick as he could.
'Baby!' Alec called out.
'Alexander!' Magnus cried out from the living room floor.
'I'm here, it's gonna be ok Magnus' Alec said as he took hold of his hand.
'I would of fought it off but it was too strong, I'm so sorry' Magnus cried.
'No babe, this is not your fault' Alec shook his head.
'I can't fix myself, I'm too weak' Magnus explained.
'Can we get another warlock? No, I will make the potion I have seen you enough times to do it' Alec panicked.
'I need you here. Please' Magnus sighed pleaded.
'Always' Alec replied softly and gently pressing down on the open blood wounds.
'Alexander, I love you' Magnus said quietly.
'I love you too' Alec kissed his forehead.
'I'm calling Lorenzo. We can't call Catrina because she is a nurse dealing with the mundanes. He is our only resort'
'I don't want him here, He will only taunt me and not help' Magnus shook his head.
'We're gonna have to' Alec sighed and pulled Magnus' in closer.
'Ah Mr Lightwood. What can I do for you?' Lorenzo said in a high tone over the phone.
'Come to my apartment, I need you help. Magnus he is hurt.' Alec explained at length whilst Magnus just waited.
'He is coming baby. Come on stay with me' Alec pleaded.
'I'm here...' Magnus gasped.
'Alec, I'm going to need you to step back.' Lorenzo said as he entered by portal.
'I promised I'd stay!' Alec's voice rung
'Do..as your told' Magnus coughed and let go of Alec. Alec stepped a few paces back. Lorenzo worked his magic, stopping the bleeding.
'Where are your husbands supplies, I need to stop the venom with a potion' Lorenzo cautiously asked.
'Through there' Alec nervously pointed.
'Thanks. Don't worry, he will be ok' Lorenzo reassured him.
'Thanks' Alec replied and then saw Magnus.
'How you feeling?' Alec asked nervously.
'I'm feeling fine, I just need this other stuff out of me then I will be on my feet in no time' Magnus said.
'Your optimistic!' Alec joked.
'Well I'm not leaving this world because of a demon attack' Magnus joked. Alec's head turned as he saw Lorenzo holding a cup of dark liquid
'Drink this' Lorenzo said and handed Magnus the cup.
Magnus slowly drank it. 'Thats better' Magnus sighed.
'I cannot thank you enough Lorenzo!' Alec said as Lorenzo was about to make a portal.
'No problem' Lorenzo smiled.
'Shall I pay you upfront?' Alec asked quickly.
'No, You are not paying. I just helped. You Alec did most of it' Lorenzo said. 'Consider this on me' And he left.
Alec turned around and saw Magnus trying to get up.
'Let me help you' Alec offered his hand.
'Thank you' Magnus smiled. 'I can take care of
'Nope, I'm getting the full day off tomorrow to look after you' Alec grinned.
'Alexander..' Magnus hesitated.
'I insist!' Alec nodded and then embraced Magnus

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