Never Surender

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a/n: 3rd part of this collage/football fic...

'Morning baby' Alec smiled as he saw Magnus get up.
'Good Morning' Magnus smiled and rubbed his eyes. Alec gave him a kiss on his head before handing him is coffee.
'Is this decaf?' Magnus asked.
'Of course it's not' Alec laughed.
'Good' Magnus smiled. 'So what are you gonna tell Coach?'
'Well when I score the winning touchdown guess who will be running to their boyfriend and giving them a big kiss on the lips' Alec explained.
'Your making me blush, stop it' Magnus' cheeks went red and Alec kissed them.
'You love it really' Alec pointed out.
'But seriously, are you sure you wanna do this because we are the only people who know about the change is us' Magnus changed his tone.
'I would give up everything to be with you Magnus. Football, yeah i'm good at it but you know I have other hopes like becoming a teacher or a coach. I will find work. You are my priority. And maybe my dad will get annoyed but fuck him anyway. I don't need his approval when he rejected me as soon as I came out. You are the greatest thing to happen to me Magnus Bane and I only need you' Alec sighed.
Magnus smiled and kissed Alec. His hands wrapped around Alec's neck. Alec smiled and pressed his hands on Magnus' cheeks.
'Come on, let's go' Izzy knocked on their door.
They stopped kissing and laughed. Alec opened the door slightly and peaked his head through.
'Izzy! It's not even 830' Alec whispered.
''I need to tell you something' Izzy said.
'Can it wait?' Alec asked.
'If you checked your phone we wouldn't be having this conversation' Izzy rolled her eyes.
'What's wrong?' Alec asked.
'Shut the door' Izzy asked him.
'But' Alec hesitated.
'Magnus will find out soon. Just shut it' Izzy said.
'What's going on?' Magnus asked.
'Just a couple of seconds don't worry' Alec sighed and shut the door.
'It's about the game. It was cancelled.' Izzy said sadly.
'What?' Alec slightly yelled. 'Why?'
'Well erm' Izzy hanged her head low.
'What Izzy?' Alec said.
'The other team found your instagram and found the photos you put up of Magnus or Magnus and you together. Their coach and school isnt allowing them to play with your team' Izzy explained.
'So this is my fault' Alec stuttered.
'No it's not. Jace is really angry at them. He wants them out of the league. So is Simon, Jordon and everybody else' Izzy told him.
'Everything I worked hard for turns to this' Alec cried and he punched the wall.
'Alec no' Izzy stopped him.
'What's happend?' Magnus hurried out in the room and he went to Alec.
'This is all my fault' Alec sobbed.
'Not it's not,' Magnus hugged him tight. 'What's going on?'
'The game got cancelled' Izzy said.
'Why?' Magnus spluttered.
'Because they saw Alec's post' Izzy whispered.
'Oh god' Magnus whimpered.
'You know what' Alec sniffed and stood up. Magnus stood beside him. 'We are leaving'
'Alec, think about what your doing' Izzy hesitated.
'Nope. I'm done. I'm not dealing with this any more' Alec said quickly. 'Magnus, pack your bags we are leaving'
'Alec! Stop!' Izzy said.
'I will sort this out' Magnus said and followed Alec.
'Let's go' Alec pleaded with him. 'We go can get that apartment. I can find a new hobby.'
'Baby, I know your life has come crashing down but is everything ok?' Magnus asked.
'Yes because now I know what my priority is. You. I have no career in football anymore. I love you' Alec pressed his forehead against Magnus'
'I love you too. And I support you but you have to be sure' Magnus said.
'I'm sure' Alec nodded and started gathering his stuff together. Magnus packed too and walked out of the room.
'Lightwood!' Coach called out as he tried to get a cab.
'What,Coach?' Alec rolled his eyes.
'What do you think your playing at?' Coach said angrily.
'I'm leaving. They don't wanna play with me. Let the others play' Alec explained.
'No we need you. But just do what we told you to do' Coach said.
'They know. They saw my accounts. I'm not going' Alec shook his head.
'Alec Lightwood. You stay here or I swear' Coach said angrily.
'So what? Take me off the team? I bet even most of the team think it's my fault' Alec replied.
'It's not your fault' Coach said.
'Then stop acting like it. I made a promise to my boyfriend and myself that as soon as I came out I wouldn't let the bullies get to me.
Well now they have done it, they don't wanna
play with a gay. I have done nothing wrong. I stuck to the rules. I did what you said but nobody will ever accept me.' Alec shook his head.
'Alec. Come on, your not thinking straight' Coach said.
'I have to go' Alec shook his head.
'Lightwood' Coach called.
'Come on, let's go' Alec said and dumped his bags in the back of the taxi.
'Are you ok?' Magnus asked as they got in.
'I'm ok' Alec nodded.
'You boys know where you wanna go?' the driver asked.
'Houston Coach Park please' Magnus replied.
'Are you sure you wanna do this?'
'Yeah I am even if Jace keeps trying to call me' Alec showed Magnus his phone.
'Maybe you could reply to it' Magnus shrugged.
'What's that gonna do?' Alec asked.
'I'm just worried your selling yourself short of your talent. You have so much potential Alexander' Magnus sighed.
'I did but now I just wanna get through collage with you. Graduate and then I will find a job. I promise' Alec said.
'What's wrong Alec?' Magnus could tell something was up.
'I'm fine' Alec said.
'Your not a very good liar' Magnus giggled slightly.
'I'm not lying' Alec shook his head. 'Just drop it ok'
'If you say so' Magnus sighed and returned to looking at his phone.
'Final stop boys' the taxi driver said.
'Thanks' Alec said and stepped out of the taxi and collected their bags.
'You would tell me if there is something wrong, right?' Magnus looked at his boyfriend.
'I tell you everything' Alec said. 'Let's just get home, we will talk about this later'
'Ok' Magnus replied.

—back home (collage dorms)—
'Are you gonna start unpacking?' Magnus asked and kissed Alec's cheek as he stood behind him. Alec stood in the middle of the dorm so still. Magnus had never seen him like this before.
'Look at me' Magnus said as he placed his hands on Alec's cold cheeks. 'Look at me'
Alec finally set eyes on Magnus. His eyes looked small and dry. His eyes looked like they wanted to cry but Alec stopped himself because he didn't wanna embarrass himself.
'What's wrong?' Magnus asked.
'Nothing' Alec slightly smiled.
'Don't lie to me' Magnus said.
'I don't wanna talk about it' Alec said and pushed Magnus off his cheeks.
'You have been strange all the way home. Please tell me what's wrong' Magnus pleaded.
'I can't' Alec shook his head.
'You can, we talk about everything' Magnus sighed.
'I need to go' Alec said quickly and ran out the room.
'Alec, baby!' Magnus watched him leave.
Alec's mind was racing at 1000 miles. He couldn't focus. He didn't know what to feel. He felt so angry at himself that he didn't say anything to Magnus. He tells him everything but this time he didn't. The one place that he felt happy other than around Magnus had rejected him and he was so angry. He wanted to scream and cry but he couldn't. He left on his own accord so he felt like he couldn't say anything even though Magnus said he was allowed to feel whatever he liked to this situation. He felt like the team had turned his back on him. It felt like all of football had. It wasn't a nice feeling. He stood at the top of the bleachers and he closed his eyes. Imaging what the game would be like if this incident didn't happen. The crowd would be cheering and clapping. Magnus would be watching him and he would be running up to him and giving him the biggest kiss in the world. He would get a pat on the back from his friends and carry on with the rest of the game having the up most confident. He didn't feel like that anymore.
'Alec!' Magnus called out and he finally opened his eyes.
'Umm...I' Alec wiped his eyes.
'I've been looking for you everywhere!' Magnus sighed.
'I should go' Alec whispered.
'Don't go' Magnus gasped. 'Just listen to me'
Magnus held out his hand for Alec to hold which he nervously did. Alec's hands were colder than usual, he was out here longer than Magnus thought. 'I know you feel like your life is over but it isn't. You have all the talent in the world to find a new team to play on. Collage football isn't the be all and end all. You have to believe me. You are good enough Alec. You more than good enough, when i watch you play I feel so immensely proud I can barely contain myself. You need to know that I'm not gonna give up, I will be by your side the entire time' Magnus explained and Alec smiled. Small tears formed by his eyes and he fell into Magnus embrace. He cried. He sobbed. Harder than Magnus is used to. What had happened had broken him and he was inconsolable. All Magnus could do was hold him and kiss his head.
'It's gonna be ok, I promise' Magnus whispered.
'What if it's not?' Alec said quietly and Magnus softly wiped his boyfriend's eyes.
'We will take it day by day.' Magnus smiled reassuringly and gave Alec a small kiss on his forehead.
'What's gonna happen now?' Alec asked shyly.
'Whatever you want to happen. We need to plan our new future' Magnus sighed and Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus' waist.
'Can we plan it now so it makes it less scary when it actually comes to that time' Alec asked and he leant his head into Magnus neck.
'Yeah we can' Magnus smiled. 'So where do you wanna live?'
'New York' Alec smiled.
'Wait why New York?' Magnus looked confused .
'Because you're there' Alec admitted.
'But I thought you wanted to go to UCLA and we were gonna do long distance' Magnus asked.
'I don't think I can go to UCLA anymore' Alec shook his head.
'You still could get accepted' Magnus shrugged.
'I know but I still applied to NYU' Alec smiled. 'You will go to your fancy fashion school and then we can get a place and I will become like a teacher or something and you will be the worlds greatest designer'
'Teaching?' Magnus raised an eyebrow.
'Coaching does look fun' Alec smiled.
'I'm so proud of you Alexander' Magnus smiled.
'You are?' Alec grinned back.
'Always will be' Magnus said and kissed him. Alec's cold hands around Magnus' waist. They were sitting on the bleachers. Alec broke their kiss and he pulled out his phone.
'Wait what are you doing?' Magnus looked at him confused.
'I'm not gonna let the homophobes win. Not this time' Alec said and he took a selfie of him and Magnus kissing. He uploaded it to account and then he turned his phone off. He kissed Magnus again and he smiled brightly. He felt so fully of courage now and with Magnus by his side he felt unstoppable.

a/n: end of the series also gonna try and make more regular updates, thanks :)

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