Reasons why I love you

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alec's pov
I ran from work back home. Well Magnus' apartment. I moved in 6 months ago. Work was boring and stressful as usual and I just wanted time alone with my boyfriend. No distractions. I open the door using the key he gave me, throw my jacket on the floor and practically sprinted towards him. He was sitting on the couch on his phone and I push him down so his back meets with the coach. I kiss him! This kiss was an 'I miss you ' kiss. It was urgent but so perfect. 'Hello to you too' Magnus laughs. I roll my eyes as he pulls us up from the couch. 'Today was just stressful, I really missed you' I said, brushing my lips with my fingers.
'I missed you too Alexander' he said. 'Wanna drink?' I nodded a reply and went over to the kitchen to make a drink. I quickly pull him back to the couch for another kiss. He smiled and then sighed. 'Alexander, your so sweaty and dirty. Go get changed otherwise there will be no kissing tonight'
'What?!' I exclaimed. He gave me a glare that I don't wanna witness again so I quickly run to the bedroom and get changed. I sit down on the bed, sigh heavily, close my eyes and run my hands through my hair. I was annoyed at Magnus. He had been getting more picky about the way I am around him. He doesn't want me sweaty, I don't have the correct posture, doesn't like my clothes and no using my stele at the table to heat the food up or eat quicker because I wanna make out. Those little things annoy me. Every time he doesn't wanna kiss from me it really disheartens me. It's like he doesn't love me anymore.. but that can't be true... Magnus still loves me right?

I walk out to the living room and sit on the sofa, waiting for Magnus. I changed pretty quickly but he likes to take his time when it comes to this thing. He finally comes back with two drinks in his hands and sets them down on the table. He smiles and puts his head on my shoulder. I wrap my hand around his shoulder but don't say anything. I'm kinda spaced out.

third-person pov
'What's wrong?' Magnus asks.
'Nothing.' Alec quickly says
'No something is wrong. I know that look.' Magnus says and looks at Alec with those big dark eyes.
'Do you love me?' Alec blurts out, regretting instantly.
'Of course, I do. Do you not think so?' Magnus asks and takes a sip of his drinks.
'Sometimes it seems you don't' Alec lets slip angrily.
'What? What are you talking about?' Magnus splutters.
'Your so picky now!' Alec complained.
'I can't help but be a perfectionist' Magnus winked and smiled.
Alec clenched his fists and got up from the couch. 'Magnus?! Be serious!'
'Fine.How am I picky?' Magnus asks.
'Well for a starters. Stop being so touchy about me being sweaty and gross when I get home from work, your picky about the way I dress and I'm sorry if I'm not as bold as you. My posture is apparently wrong and I can't use my stele at the dinner table!' Alec explained but anger dripping out of him.
'Alexander, I don't want to kiss sweaty boys you know that. All your clothes are all the same it wouldn't kill you to be bold and change it up for once.' Magnus replied annoyed.
'Bold?! What the fuck?! I came out by kissing you at my wedding in front of everybody. Was that no bold enough?!' Alec spluttered.
'It was so nice but that's not the point. If you don't want me to complain wear something different. This posture thing is just you look all sad when your hunched and all the other crap you do.' Magnus rolled his eyes .
'Fine. I will think about it but I don't get the problem with using my stele at the table. Food is cold  I use my heat and nourishment rune. Speed rune so dinner can speed up because I wanna makeout.' Alec said.
'I just don't think it's appropriate to use it at the table even if they are the reasons.' Magnus said calmly.
Alec just rolled his eyes and leaned up against one the brick collums in the room.
'Alexander! Don't you push me with your bad posture!' Magnus yelled and got up.
'If I'm so bad. Break up with me! You have been waiting for this moment so just do it!!' Alec snapped.
'No. What are you talking back?! I don't wanna break up with you' Magnus' voice began to break.
'Liar! Why do you love me Magnus?! I'm such a crappy boyfriend!!' Alec yelled.
Magnus gulped and took at step back from Alec. 'Why would you ask that question?'
'I want the answer. It doesn't matter why I asked' Alec snapped. Magnus walked closer to Alec and put his hands in the shadowhunters tense hands. Alec had suddenly calmed down but still had a mad tension about him.
'I love you because you are caring. Family always comes first no matter what. Your determined to get things right and hard working. Your a natural born leader. Your so hot, like hella hot. Your so talented and you love me so much. I didn't think I would have this with anybody let alone you. Your always so nervous it's so cute but when you need to stand up for what's right you really step up. I love you Alexander. Please don't ever say that again.' Magnus said tears steaming down his face. Alec kisses him passionately. Magnus smiled as the kiss broke.
'I'm sorry Magnus' Alec apologised.
'It's ok Alexander' Magnus smiled and kissed his forehead.
They cuddled on the sofa and they didn't bring up this fight again because it would hurt too much. All Alec needed to know that Magnus loved with with all his heart

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