Lockdown Pt5

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Magnus woke up earlier than Alec. He had recovered quite quickly. He sighed  to himself happily as he saw Alec's face. He was quite and at peace. He walked quietly  got to the kitchen and made himself and Alec coffee. Using the matching pair of 'Mr Lightwood-Bane' mugs Simon got them.It was one of the only thing that could Alec wake up other than Magnus' 'sweet morning kisses' or whatever Alec liked to call it. Magnus liked to mornings with his husband as it would just be the two of them. No distractions. No needed missions, no clients, just them
'Magnus..Magnus' Alec called out from the bedroom.
'Morning Beautiful' Magnus smiled as he reached the bedroom.
'Your up early' Alec said and slowly got up from his bed.
'Alexander 945 is not early' Magnus chucked and ruffled Alec's hair before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
'One here too' Alec pointed to his lips. Magnus rolled his eyes and kissed Alec.
'Your a bit greedy, you know that right?' Magnus laughed and sat down beside his husband.
'I'm just using whats mine' Alec grinned.
Magnus blushed, he wouldn't expect to feel this giddy and almost teenage around Alec but even after being married for 2 years, he would find more reason to love Alec every day.
'Does the great Magnus Bane blush?' Alec smiled.
'That's Magnus Lightwood-Bane too you' Magnus replied back.
'Very true' Alec murmured back.
'Now drink this coffee because I'm gonna make you breakfast' Magnus grinned.
'I should be treating you babe' Alec answered back.
'Nope, my treat.' Magnus shook his head.
'Fine, next time I will cook for you' Alec reminded his husband.
'I'm looking forward to it, now that your skills are improving' Magnus joked and ticked Alec's side.
'Hey! That's no fair, you said my skills were and I quote 'flawless.'' Alec even put a hand gesture like the way Magnus would say it.
'They are' Magnus laughed and kissed Alec's cheek. 'Come on, it's time for breakfast'
'Do I have to get out of bed?' Alec groaned as he pushed the covers off his legs.
'Yes, no crumbs in the bed' Magnus pointed out.
'Fine' Alec said and was pulled out of bed and looped Magnus' hand in his.
They walked to the kitchen together, Alec just in his underwear and Magnus with his blue robe and some black joggers on.
'You sit here gorgeous' Magnus pulled a seat for Alec. 'And wait for your breakfast'
'One more kiss' Alec pouted his lips.
'One more' Magnus placed his lips on Alec and stroked his cheeks. Alec pulled at his robe.
'Alexander, that's for later' Magnus winked.
'Oh come on!' Alec grumbled and watched as Magnus turned around to the kitchen.
'Babe?' Alec asked.
'Yeah, honey?' Magnus answered, still cooking.
'Are those my black joggers?' Alec pointed out.
'I have no idea what your talking about baby' Magnus lied.
'Those are mine' Alec laughed.
'Well you can't say anything Mr not wearing any clothes distracter' Magnus jabbed.
'This distracting you?' Alec giggled and got up from his seat wrapping his arms around Magnus' waist.
'As much a love this cuddle, I really need to make this food and I don't wanna burn you' Magnus turned around for a second.
'I'm loving this cuddle too' Alec squeezed Magnus around the waist again.
'Sweetie, I'm begging you just sit down' Magnus said.
'Fine' Alec drawled. 'If you like I can stay like this for a long time'
'I mean you can, I would love you to be naked all the time but you always end up wearing my red hoodie' Magnus explained as he plated the food.
'It always smells of you' Alec exclaimed 'You always wear my clothes too'
'I have no idea what your talking about' Magnus laughed and handed Alec the plate of food.
'Pancakes!' Alec said and his eyes widened.
'Thanks baby!'
'All for my husband' Magnus smiled and sat beside Alec.
'So after this can we cuddle?' Alec asked as he sipped his coffee.
'Yeah but later, we have to eat' Magnus pointed out.
'Oh yeah' Alec said and started to eat. Alec smiled and was in awe of Magnus' cooking.
'Baby these are so good'
'I'm so glad you like them' Magnus smiled back.
They continued to eat but then a knock at the door. An another.
'Who could that be?' Magnus looked confused and stood up.
'Let then knock, no human interaction' Alec shook his head.
'Don't be rude Alexander' Magnus rolled his eyes and opened the door. Izzy was there and she just walked in.
'Izzy! What the hell?!' Alec protested.
'It's nice to see you too Alec.' Izzy replied sarcastically.
'What do you want?' Alec grumbled.
'Your husband is so grumpy' Izzy said to Magnus as he walked past her.
'I know, can't imagine why' Magnus said sassily.
'Hey, I have something important to tell you guys' Izzy said with her hands on her waist.
'Go on then' Alec gestured.
'It's Underhill' Izzy said.
'Oh here we go' Magnus rolled his eyes and said under his breath.
'Why should we be concerned about him?' Alec asked in confusion.
'He went out on patrol and then he was meant to end but he didn't come home last night. Lorenzo called me worried sick'
'They are together?' Magnus almost spit out his drink.
'Yeah, didn't you know?' Izzy questioned. 'Anyway you need to come to institute, help me find him'
'No I'm not doing that' Alec shook his head.
'Oh come on Alec.' Izzy proclaimed.
'No. And i will give you two reasons. Reason number 1. it's my day off and Reason number 2. I don't want to help them'
'Sweetie, we kinda owe Lorenzo. After he heeled my wounds free of charge' Magnus whispered.
'That's not the point' Alec whispered back
'Please Alec' Izzy pleaded. 'Do it for me'
You should go' Magnus mouthed.
'Fine, I'll meet you there' Alec sighed and nodded.
'Ok see you there' Izzy walked of their apartment.
'Sorry' Alec kissed Magnus' forehead.
'Oh it's fine.' Magnus said.
'Come with me' Alec pulled Magnus' arm. 'You need to pick my outfit'
'Ooh yay' Magnus giggled and went through Alec's black clothes.
'I wish I could be here with you' Alec sighed.
'Me too baby' Magnus handed him his clothes.
'Can't Lorenzo magic him back or something' Alec mentioned.
'It doesn't work like that. I heard because you
know warlocks love gossip. They have only been together for like 2 months. And Izzy told me that Andrew comes home really late' Magnus explained.
'Wow, but i mean we moved in together after like 2 months' Alec shrugged as he slipped on his jacket.
'But we are soulmates' Magnus smiled
'Yes we are' Alec nodded and Magnus pulled him by his jacket and kissed him.
'I love you' Alec kissed him again.
'Love you too beautiful' Magnus smiled and watched Alec leave their apartment.

'I'm here, I'm here' Alec ran into the ops centre.
'15 minutes late' Izzy said.
'I don't have time for this sibling argument. Can we get to finding Andrew?' Lorenzo said.
'Look we know his patrol route, we will go out track him down. You need to stay here' Alec explained
'I'm coming, I know him more than both of you combined' Lorenzo pleased.
'It is in your best interest, trust me' Alec reassured him 'We will call you if we find him'
'Fine but if you don't find him we will no longer be friends. And I will go for your husbands job all over again' Lorenzo said spitefully.
Alec nodded and let Lorenzo walk out.
'He has our head on a stick so let's go' Izzy let her brother walk out the door. They used glamours to hide themselves and walked the patrol route.
'It looks normal' Alec shrugged his shoulders.
'Yeah, no demon trails or blood' Izzy pointed out.
'Wait do you see that' Alec saw from the distance.
'See what?' Izzy asked.
'It's Andrew and another guy. He's cheating on Lorenzo' Alec gasped.
'What do we do?' Izzy asked again.
'I'm gonna confront him' Alec announced.
'That would be a dick move' Izzy laughed.
'I don't care, I asked him to be on patrol last night and he wasn't' Alec shook his head and walked up to him.
'Underhill,come here' Alec was at the bottom of the guys apartments stairs.
'Sir,' He gulped.
'You defied orders! When I tell to go on patrol I expect those order to be met. I know we have been in lockdown due to a mundane virus but the mundanes are more vulnerable now and we have to protect them. Also I'm not a god damn private investigator! You need to sort out your problems with your boyfriend. I'm going back to my husband' Alec ranted and walked away.
'Alec wait' Izzy tried to run after him.
'I'm getting Magnus to portal me in . I'm not dealing with this crap' Alec said.
'Alec your being unreasonable' Izzy sighed.
'Just don't Izzy' Alec said and he walked into a portal. Izzy looked back at Underhill and then went back to the Institute.

—malec apartment—
'What's wrong?' Magnus followed a pissed off Alec.
'Underhill, isn't dead. Wasn't missing. Cheating with some random seelie' Alec angrily said.
'That was pointless' Magnus pointed out.
'I know I was just so frustrated after it all I had to come back home to calm down' Alec sighed.
'I have an idea' Magnus winked.
'Yes please' Alec said and they were transported to bedroom...

a/n: sorry it's so long and i will be posting every week from now on plz tell me if u have any requests stay safe and thanks

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