You matter

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a/n: Alec and Magnus argue about alec's mental state
⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ mentions of self harm,sucicde and panic attacks

Alec ran home, his scars had opened up. The one across his arms. Those were self harm. He shut the bathroom door behind him and wiped the blood of his arms.
'Alexander, you came quickly! You ok?' Magnus asked and slightly knocked on the door.
'I'm fine' Alec struggled to say as he was clearing the scars up. He iratzed them but it wasn't really working. They were to deep and too painful.
'Alec, honey. You alright?' Magnus sighed.
'I'm. fine.' Alec grugged.
'I'm not going to have this conversation through the door.' Magnus said.
'Maybe I don't want to have this conversation at all' Alec lashed out.
'Alec, stop' Magnus said and opened the door. He looked in shock at Alec. He saw his blood stained arms.
'You scars, they're bleeding again. Let me help' Magnus sighed and put his hands closer towards Alec. Alec pushed them away.
'I don't need your help' Alec grunted and walked away and sat on the sofa.
'Pushing people away isn't going to make it better.' Magnus said.
'You don't know whats gonna make me feel better!' Alec exclaimed.
'Yes I do! I'm your boyfriend' Magnus said back slightly rasing the tone of his voice.
'I'm going to be fine! I know what I need to get better'Alec said.
'What exactly?' Magnus raised an eyebrow.
'Nothing. Just continue the life I have been leading.' Alec sighed.
'If continue you will only hurt yourself more and I can't cope with that' Magnus admitted.
'Then find somebody better!' Alec yelled.
'No! I love you!' Magnus said back and pulled Alec towards him.
'You don't want me, You said you can't cope. So find somebody who can take your sadness away not make it worse' Alec sniffled.
'That's you!' Magnus exclaimed.
'No its not!' Alec shook his head.
'Yes it is! Don't say that' Magnus yelled.
'Stop! I'm just sick and broken. And I need all of this to stop. So please do the thing I never could and end it' Alec cried. 'I'm wanna be a perfect boyfriend but I'm not. I hurt myself all the time and I have been so close to ending it. Please I'm not good enough for you'
'No I'm not leaving, I'm gonna help you out ok' Magnus said and hugged Alec in to a hug. Alec sobbed into Magnus' neck.
'Come on, lets get you better my brave shadowhunter' Magnus replied

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