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『 one 』

WE ALL HAD A KARATE PHASE at one point? Right?

Some had crystal phases. Astronomy, makeup, drumming, slime, or Vine phases. Some had I was born in the wrong generation phases. But everyone had a karate phase. 

For Natalie Zimmerman, her karate phase got a bit out of hand. 

It was certainly one of the more memorable things of her teenage years. Looking back on it, the karate rivalry that struck up over the summer of her junior year was one of the best, and worst, things that ever happened to her. 

The first day of junior year. Possibly the most stressful year of high school. First days were always a bit difficult, but this was supposed to have extra spice. So naturally, she slept in. 

There had been a terrible storm the previous night. The neighborhood power lines had been damaged. Because of this, her alarm didn't go off at the proper time. It didn't go off at all. She was woken up thirty minutes late by her mother. The bus would stop by in ten minutes, so that was out of the question. 

Her stepfather worked night shifts. He was out of the hazardous picture that morning. His car was gone. Her mother slammed the door behind her after her daughter took over the bathroom. She was already late her work herself. She took the only remaining car between the three occupants of the household. 

Now Natalie was out of a ride. 

Off to a great start. 

Natalie called one of her friends to pick her up. Eli's mother always drove him on the first days, it wouldn't be too far out of their way. 

She had intended to shower in the morning to maximize freshness. Seeing as she barely had the time to make herself into a functioning human, Natalie opted for half a can of dry shampoo and an over the top amount of perfume. No one would have to notice. 

This was the first time the consequences of not planning her outfit out the previous night would come to bite her. Natalie was a very fashion oriented person, and usually a magnificent planner. Her appearance mattered, especially when there could be new people to meet. You would think the most fashion and plan oriented person in the family would know to do this one task. This became one of her most panicked mornings of the year. 

There was also no time for breakfast. Another great start to the new year. 

She blasted her favorite playlist on the radio while making herself into a human. Music tended to distract her from tasks, but how much worse could this morning get? Sparing a few minutes to lipsync to Marina, she held the hair comb up to her mouth and danced around. 

Natalie studied her dark curls in the bathroom mirror. What if she were to dye her hair? It would need to be a color to match with everything. Maybe just start out with highlights, then progress to an ombre if she were comfortable. Something to consider. 

Oh? Was that a pimple? Figures. 

She was quite proud of what she made herself into by the time she met Mrs. Moskowitz at the edge of the driveway. Mix-matched socks were coming back into style. 

"Thank you so much for coming by on such short notice, Mrs. Moskowitz!" Natalie said as soon as she climbed into the backseat. Eli smiled at her.

"Of course, darling. You're family!"

Eli Moskowitz was her stepbrother, by all means technical. Not just a friend, but a brother by everything legal. 

This was one of their separate weeks. That was the custody agreement when his dad married her mom. She was to live with her mother and stepfather all day, every day. He was to spend every other weekend with his father and stepmother. 

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