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『 fourteen 』

Class was a slow start. 

Sensei Lawrence was arguing with the landlord in the storage room. New students were standing around like stiff boards. By the time Natalie and Hawk arrived, Sensei Kreese was already immersed in telling Aisha and Miguel old war stories of his. They joined in, for the sake of a good story. Natalie doubted there would be any time to bring up Demetri. 

At first, she was very interested in what he had to say. Then she began noticing holes in his story. Certain, tiny aspects didn't match up. Paying attention to point out flaws was distracting her from stretching. 

"They were outgunned. We were out-manned. I'll tell ya, Rwanda was no laughing matter," Sensei Kreese finished his story. Natalie crossed her arms, giving Aisha a doubtful look. 

Miguel stood up. "Don't you mean Somalia?" He asked. Sensei Kreese turned to face him slowly. Hawk frowned. "You said Rwanda. Somalia's a whole different country."

"Of course, Somalia!" The sensei laughed it off, turning back to the trio. "I spent so much time in the sandbox, it all just bleeds together," he explained. 

Natalie crossed her arms. "My dad was in the service," she told him. 

"So you understand," Sensei Kreese smiled at her, nodding. She said nothing, only stared back at him. One of the other students pulled him aside to listen to the first part of that story, distracting him from them. 

"He is full of bullshit," Natalie whispered to Aisha, beginning to stretch her shoulders. 

Aisha shrugged, staring at the older man. "Who cares? They're cool stories."

"Did you know I adopted a pet unicorn this morning? He sneezed syrup and sweated scrambled eggs just in time for breakfast," Natalie said, switching shoulders. Aisha giggled. 

The two watched the newcomers stand around without a purpose. It was always humorous to watch them on their first day, knowing very well half wouldn't make it past the first day. Aisha walked away to demonstrate something to Chris a minute later, leaving an opportunity for Miguel to confront Natalie. 

Miguel approached her, arms clasped behind his back. "I didn't know your dad was in the services," he whispered. 

"Really? That's usually the first thing I tell people when we meet." Natalie winked. 

He smiled, nudging her with his elbow. "Is that who's dog tag you wear?"

"Of course."

She finished stretching, a few for good measure. She had been very stiff the past few days. Stretching now felt beyond heavenly. 

"Listen up!" Sensei Lawrence shouted, appearing from the storage room. All eyes went to him. "I see we have some new recruits. Fall in!" 

New students began shuffling around without a clue, watching the All Valley participants move to start separate lines. "Line up in neat lines and rows. Time to see what you're made of," Sensei Lawrence instructed - patiently, for once.

Everyone new moved towards the center of the mat. The older students had to direct them properly. Natalie found herself standing next to a peculiar addition to the room. He looked to be in his thirties; with a full beard and everything. She gave him a questioning side look, which he didn't notice. 

Definitely out of high school. 

Sensei Lawrence began walking down the aisles, assessing everyone's stances. 

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