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『 seventeen 』

THE STUDENTS OF COBRA KAI had been given new instructions for the day's agenda. Anyone who had attended the previous class knew there was something special about today's lesson. They were going on a field trip. 

No one was bothering to stretch. Everyone assumed they would be doing it outside the building. They stood around; gossiping and talking about their girlfriends. 

Sensei Lawrence was late coming to class. Miguel stepped away from the group to talk to him. 

"He's back," Aisha observed. Natalie took a sip from her water bottle and watched the two talk. Neither looked happy to be there. This sparked curiosity. 

"What was that about?" Natalie whispered to Miguel once he returned. 

Miguel shook his head. "Something personal in sensei's life. I don't think I'm at liberty to say," he muttered, low enough so where no one outside of a three foot range could hear. Tory noticed the distressed look on her boyfriend's face and gave him a small side hug. 

It was yet still another five minutes before any adult addressed them. The two senseis stepped out of their office. 

"Alright, everybody get your gis on! Time to start!" Sensei Lawrence announced. 

The students murmured among themselves and approached the two senseis. Natalie hadn't even brought her gi with her. Hardly anyone had. They were advised not to. 

"What's the matter?" Sensei Lawrence demanded. 

"Nothing's wrong, Sensei, we just though we were going to the woods for special training today," Miguel told him, motioning to Sensei Kreese. 

That was what they had been told. Today's lesson wouldn't be held within the special reserves of the dojo walls, but instead in the woods. That's what Sensei Kreese had told them the previous session. 

Sensei Lawrence looked back at his senior. "What's in the woods?"

"Well, I figured it was about time to separate the men from the boys," Sensei Kreese explained, stepping further into the room. He glanced to Tory, Natalie, and Aisha. "And the women from the girls, I suppose, too. Coyote Creek."

The students were silent. No one knew what he was talking about. 

Sensei Lawrence must have known, though, because he gave the other man a dubious look and shuffled his stance. "I don't think they're ready for that yet," he muttered. 

"There's only one way to find out," Sensei Kreese stated. 

"We're ready, Sensei. We want to prove ourselves," Hawk proclaimed. Doug and Tory muttered agreements from behind. 

Sensei Kreese looked to their students. "It's up to Sensei Lawrence. If he says it's okay, then and only then will it be okay," he announced. Natalie could practically hear some of their hopes and aspirations for the day shatter and sizzle out of existence, in fear of their other sensei's response. 

The students waited in anticipation. Aisha scrunched her lips, an old mannerism of hers to show disappointment. Tory placed her hands on her hips. Hawk looked borderline near pissed. Even Natalie was interested in this Coyote Creek expedition. Miguel was giving him puppy eyes! Each and every one of them were putting pressure on Sensei Lawrence's shoulders. 

"Alright... what are you waiting for? Let's go," Sensei Lawrence finally said, throwing his hands up in mild enthusiasm. His voice reflecting the mild enthusiasm just as equally. 

Natalie checked her phone for the time. This Coyote Creek would be in the woods, presumably. From Receda, that would be a drive, and then a walk. If this class carried on the same amount of time as any regular day, they would be cutting it close with time. They would be running over. She and Hawk wouldn't be making it to dinner on time. 

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