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『 thirty 』


It was an even enough fight, but the Cobras were easily higher up in manpower. 

Natalie was instantly thrown to the table by Mike. He pinned her arms behind her back, repeatedly hitting her gut. She stomped his feet and used every ounce of her body weight to push up and throw him backward onto the ground. 

They both fell, this time with her on top. He had released her arms. This allowed her to jam both elbows somewhere - one in his chest, the other in his nose. 

"Ah! You bitch!" He shouted, pushing her off. His eyes were watering, and a tiny touch of scarlet was dripping through his fingertips. 

Natalie scrambled to her feet, almost knocking over Nate. She got two steps away from the heat of the fight before Kate sought her out from the crowd. 

Kate charged through to get to her. "Get back here, coward!" She commanded. 

So Natalie ran into the hall, where Doug and Mitch were already occupying. She tripped over her own feet, giving just enough time for Kate to catch her. Kate landed one good kick to the hip. 

"What are you doing?" Natalie screamed. She stumbled back away from Kate, who threw out her foot.

"Stop running away!" Kate shouted. 

She kept throwing punches. Repeatedly, over and over with no purpose or pattern. Was this what Cobra Kai was teaching? To go mad and haywire on your opponent? 

Well, no pattern meant a weakness. 

Natalie caught her arm and held it away. She kept Kate pinned in position, the other fist poised in front of her face. Kate breathed heavily, almost panting. She struggled to move, but Natalie had her stuck. 

"I'm not going to fight you, Katie," Natalie whispered. 

"Oh. I get it. I finally understand why you never returned to Cobra Kai," Kate admitted, a slow smirk growing on her face. "You're weak!"

Kate kicked Natalie's leg. Natalie let go of her arm and fell a bit. Kate hit her shoulder. The next hit was blocked by Natalie's elbow. She pushed Kate's arm away and punched her in the gut. Demetri ran up to them and pulled Kate back. 

Natalie got to her feet and prepared herself for another attack. "Okay. You're pissing me off," she muttered. 

How long had Kate been with Cobra Kai? According to Miguel, she was with Eagle Fang since the 17th. That would only leave five days to learn a good amount of karate, period. Not even Miguel Diaz could pull together something like that in less than one week. Johnny wasn't teaching his students over time out of scheduled classes, or else Miguel would never have been able to make school. 

Kate took on Demetri and Natalie together. She was a match for both of them together. Soon enough though, another Cobra pulled Demetri away for his own beat down. 

Kate was relentless. Her sensei had been teaching her the most brutal styles. There was no way Johnny had been teaching her as Miguel had said. Johnny was strange in his training techniques, but he had morals. He never taught such brutality. 

As Kreese would say, Kate was a natural Cobra. 

Natalie was lacking, despite having been in karate for almost one year. Kate would have been defeated by then, if not for Natalie's break in training. Natalie was fighting someone who hadn't even been to one week's worth of lessons, and suddenly she understood how Kate managed to fit in time for so many new skills. 

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