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『 three 』

"CYBERBULLYING IS NO LAUGHING MATTER," Counselor Platt told the cafeteria. She stood at the front of the large room with a microphone that didn't seem to be working. 

No one was paying attention. Everyone was either talking among their tables or on their phone. Natalie heard a few phrases here and there, but listening to Counselor Platt drone on wasn't her top priority. 

She didn't know if the counselor thought people were actually paying attention, or she wouldn't get a paycheck if she didn't make this announcement. Either way, it wasn't going well.

Counselor Platt had never been an agreeable person to begin with. But at least she was trying to inform students. There was no denying this needed to be said. This was a serious matter. But she may as well text it to each of the students. That would practically be the only way they would get the message. 

"Now, I'm not gonna name names, but the other day, a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity," Counselor Platt said in a sincere tone. 

Whispers spread across the room. Several glanced in Eli's direction. He slowly covered his mouth with his hand. 

"Subtle..." Natalie muttered, crossing her arms. 

Voices began to speak up now. Some laughed, others just wanted their voices to be above hers. But Counselor Platt continued on. 

"Now starting today, we will be working towards making school a safer environment," Counselor Platt told them with a smile. But it was no use. Any chance of three people paying attention to what she was saying had been thrown out the window. 

Miguel turned to Eli. "You know, if you really want to stop being bullied I can sign you up for karate lessons at my dojo," he suggested in a low tone. Eli perked up a bit. 

"You hear that, Eli? A few karate lessons and you'll be kicking some major ass!" Demetri said, mockingly karate chopping. Eli's face fell. 

Natalie kicked Demetri's shin under the table. "Stop."

"I'm being serious, Demetri," Miguel muttered. "My sensei's the real deal. I'm sure I can get all three of you discounts."

"As enticing as it sounds, I think we'd all like to spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face," Demetri said, waving off Miguel's offer. 

"Well I think it's a nice idea," Natalie admitted. She nodded to Miguel, making him smile. "Let me check with my parents."

Counselor Platt turned up the volume on her microphone. "Oh, and one more thing. While we're all excited for the Halloween dance, let's make sure to keep our costumes appropriate and culturally sensitive," she advised them. "So... instead of sexy nurse, how about gender neutral hospital employee?"

This sparked many laughs. Natalie rolled her eyes. It was now when the student body completely overrode her voice. People began moving tables to ease conversations. Counselor Platt gave up speaking after that point. 

Natalie tried to eat the rest of her lunch in peace. That became a little difficult when Miguel and Demetri began arguing over something so immature, she was astounded neither was mature enough to stop. 

Eli and her shared looks. Staring across the table had become their main form of communication ever since school started. They were both in agreement; time to leave. They both grabbed their bags and made their way toward's Kate's table. 

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