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so for all of you reading as updates come out, I had to put a bit of the beginning of this chapter in the last chapter. I just stuck it on the end. I underestimated how long this one would turn out, and didn't want a 15k-page chapter in the middle of all these 6k ones. For reference, 6k words are roughly 13 pages. 15k words are 33 pages. I only cut down 5 pages but there was no better way to cut it off. 

I recommend going back to thirty-nine and reading from the last quarter to get the full effect of the entire thing. Or not. Just pick up at the quarter-finals. You won't miss much :)

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HALF OF EAGLE FANG WAS out of the running by now, along with a quarter of Miyagi-Do. The majority of Cobra Kai remained, though, of course including their very best fighters. Maybe Topanga or All-Star Karate had a bomb fighter who could knock out Kyler... 

Miguel was first, competing against a boy from Locust Valley. "Point, winner!" The referee hoisted his arm up after less than thirty seconds. 

Tory and Devon were next. It was a good match, but Natalie began watching it knowing exactly who would win. She hated to have so little faith in such a new student, especially when her friends seemed to like Devon. But Tory had beaten almost everyone Natalie knew at least once in an aggravated fight. Tory slammed Devon down and hit her in the stomach, finalizing the win. 

"And that marks Eagle Fang's loss at winning the girl's division," Daryl announced. 

Natalie watched Johnny encourage Devon when she stormed back to their side of the mat. Devon was clearly upset and would not take the loss with grace. Natalie wondered if Devon had met Hawk yet. They would get along. 

Daniel approached Robby off to the side. Natalie watched them converse and noted Robby's instant mood change. Daniel grew increasingly frustrated with their conversation. Did Daniel know something she didn't? 

Why was the man in front so damn tall? 

"So when is graduation?" Amanda asked her, jarring her out of her thoughts. 

Natalie blinked. "What? Oh- in two weeks." 

"Do you think you're ready?" Amanda asked, raising her voice to combat the noise of the crowd. "I don't think I'm ready for Sam to graduate next year..." 

"Don't expect yourself to be," Natalie mumbled. 

Amanda nudged her with her elbow. "Will your mom be able to watch it live?" 

Natalie racked her brain for the answer. She had thought about it but knew it wouldn't be possible. Not with the heavy restrictions hospital occupants were under as of late. "Not live, but they'll be selling videos for like twenty bucks."

"You still didn't answer my first question. Are you ready?" Amanda propped her chin up on her fist. 

"I'm ready to get out of the damn house, if that's what you're asking."

"That's not what I'm asking, and you know it." 

Natalie looked back to the bracket. Eagle Fang was holding one by one competitor at this point: Miguel. Their chances of winning were riding on his back. That pressure on Miguel's shoulders... and Natalie was worrying herself earlier about how someone spread the truth about her and Robby's relationship! No. She was not ready to be on her own! 

Amanda sensed Natalie was not going to answer the question truthfully, so she moved in another direction. "Who will you be living with once you're out of your parents'?" She continued. 

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