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Main Character's

Melody: Elijah, how's it going with the blond girl??

Ricky: she has a name you know‼️

Melody: shut up

Harry: Ric? Are you talking about Ricky, you mean?

Ricky: yes it's the nickname that she gave me & that I hate

Harry: oh

Elijah: to answer your question, I haven't worked up the courage to dm her yet

Melody: andd why not

Elijah: idk if I'm ready
I mean, I just ended things with Daphne and...

Ricky: well, don't date her just lose her
She's a really special girl that deserves the best. Don't use her as Daphnes replacement

Elijah: bestie are we even talking about me rn...

Harry: how do i make this situation about me lol

Ricky: me and Alana used to date, but it obviously didn't work out

Elijah: oh
This is so awkward now lolz

Harry: so can I make this about me orr??

Melody: oh yeah how did you two break up??

Ricky: you are ruthless Elody

Harry: huh..?

Melody: it's the nickname that he gave me that I HATE

Ricky: deal with it❤️

Harry: oh

Harry is offline

Golden Trio Chat

Harry: guys i need help

Ron: we know <3

Hermione: I've been waiting for this day
I have a list of local therapists just in case Delainy's not available

Harry: guys I'm being serious

Ron: oh

Harry: I think this Ricky guy has a thing for Melody, or maybe the other way around idk...

Ron: I don't think Melody would do that to you, and Ricky seems nice - he wouldn't do that to anyone, I don't think

Hermione: ^

Harry: no they literally made nicknames for each other and they're joking around... he even used a heart emoji with her

Ron: oh yeah you're screwed lol

Hermione: RONALD!
Harry, just talk to her and see where her head is at. This all might just be a huge coincidence

Harry: okay ig
I just don't want to lose her again :(

Ron: wait now you got me feeling all emotional and shit

Harry: I'll update you all

Melody & Harry private chat

Harry: we need to talk...

Melody: uh oh

Melody: what happened?

Harry: it's actually about whats happenING

Melody: is everything okay?

Harry: I honestly don't know

Harry: I hate that I feel this way, but I feel uneasy about you and Ricky.

Harry: I don't want to be THAT guy but, I don't really like you privately texting him

Melody: I'm not just gonna stop talking to him

Melody: he did nothing wrong

Harry: could you at least tell him we're dating? And that we have incredible sex, & that we're ✨in love✨

Melody: Harry, he knows that

Melody: not the sex part, but he knows that we're together

Melody: i told him in our first conversation, and he's trying to get over Alana - he's in no place to be dating rn

Harry: and the nicknames...

Melody: you're worried about nicknames?

Harry: he also used a heart emoji‼️

Melody: a SARCASTIC emoji
If it makes you feel better, I'll give you a nickname?

Harry: yes yes yes yes yes

Melody: I would but you're broke <3

Melody: what about... Har?

Harry: it's perfect :)

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