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Twenty years later...

All of the group chats haven't been used in years. Everyone moved on with their lives, leaving the Main Characters chat behind...


After the death of Leo due to natural causes, Melody went into a dark place. This caused the Main Characters chat to die down. And ever since then, no one has heard from her except Cedric and Amos.

Harry had to move on, per Melody's wishes. He didn't want to, but when he finally realized that Melody couldn't move on from Leo's death, he had to.

He never truly moved on. Everyone could see that he hadn't. He kept himself busy by finding one-night stands on the days he didn't work at the ministry.

They didn't know what the future held for them. Whether they rekindle their relationship, or if they stayed separated, there would always be hope.


Not everyone marries their high school sweethearts. As Haylee continued to live in America after Ginny graduated, things became too hard to keep a relationship.

Especially with long distance, there was no hope for the two. They ended things mutually and on good terms, and even if they didn't want to admit it, they knew this wasn't the end for them.


You could call these two the perfect pair because they truly are. Elijah only admitted his feelings at the end of sixth year, and at that point, Eliza was graduating.

They decided to try long-distance, but it didn't work. They agreed to meet and work things out after Elijah graduated, and they did.

After Eliza found out she couldn't have children, Alana Greengrass (her best friend) agreed to carry their child.

Nine months later, they welcomed Melody Bowen into the world. Elijah didn't fight her on the last name, he loved it, which is why he agreed to change his name to Elijah Bowen.


Right after Malia graduated from Hogwarts, she came to visit Cedric, who was thriving in quidditch.

They unexpectedly slept together during that visit, and Malia became pregnant. Cedric was unaware of her pregnancy for three months until Malia finally told him about their unborn child.

Cedric wasn't ready to be a father, and he wasn't prepared for it either. Of course he tackled the responsibility, though. Not only did he become a father nine months later, but he was also a great one too.

As for Malia and Cedric, they never discussed their relationship. They're not married or dating, (though they act like they are) but who knows what will happen in the future.


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