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Melondiggory: I'd rather live inside my head

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Melondiggory: I'd rather live inside my head

Boyfriendofdean: agreed

Harrystylesfp: pls text me Melody. Ik you're going through a hard time.

Hayleeyuh: ily

Boyfriendofseamus: Mel ily

Cedricdickory: damn am I the only one she has texted💀

Grangerorwhateva: :(

Melody & Cedric. Private chat

Cedric: hey

Melody: yes

Cedric: are you okay?

Melody: yeah

Cedric: that was a pathetic "yeah"
Where r u rn?

Melody: in my dorm

Cedric: okay what do you see?

Melody: a dresser a bed

Cedric: okay what's inside the dresser??

Melody: how is this supposed to help

Cedric: it's something Delainy taught me
So what's inside ur dresser

Melody: Harry's sweaters...

Cedric: ah shit
Well that didn't help

Melody: I should give them back shouldn't I?

Cedric: wow you really think you two are DONE DONE?

Melody: idk but the sweaters being here are driving me mad and sad

Cedric: then I'd say give them back
Or have Hermione give them back

Melody: ty Ced ttyl

Golden Trio Chat

Harry: hey

Ron: heyyy

Hermione: wassupp

Harry: Melody gave them back.

Ron: do I look like akinator to you?

Harry: she gave me my stuff back.

Ron: oh damn

Hermione: :(

Harry: I was holding onto a little bit of hope that maybe we weren't done but...

Ron: im sorry harry

Harry: should I give her stuff back? I mean she clearly thinks we're done.

Ron: do you still love her?

Harry: ofc
I don't think I could ever stop if I tried.

Hermione: I think you've got yourself an answer

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