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Marauders + Harry & Trevor

James: Harry

Lily: he hasn't called you in two weeks and he refused to stay home this summer
I don't think he's gonna suddenly answer💀

Sirius: damn

Trevor: Harry would like me to tell you that he's still upset with you

James: could you like call me and then pass him the phone??

Trevor: he said he doesn't want to talk to you

James: I thought we got over the whole brother situation?

Trevor: he just needs more time is what he said

James: he had the whole summer-

James: yk what, I bet Melody could get me to talk to him

Remus: just leave the poor boy alone damn

James: I can't just abandon my duties as a father Remus🙄

Trevor: I-
Live victim speaking

Remus: welp

James: okay well thats not fair
Marly decided to keep your existence to herself for the past 18 years of your life🙄

Trevor: i have a question

James: what

Trevor: why do all the Potter's have such bad vision 💀

Trevor: i tried Harry's glasses on & he is BLIND

Lily: we know
James is worse

Lily: be lucky you didn't inherit his "20/20 vision"

James: not the slander 🙄✋

James: blame it on the founder of the Potters' or sum idfk

Trevor: trust me I do💀

Trevor: k Harry said he'll be online

Harry is online

Harry: hey

James: you show up after months and you say "hey"

James: you are NOT getting a pass for this one

Trevor: oop

Harry: okay

Remus: you're being dryer than Umbitches 🐱

Sirius: how would you know🤨

Remus is offline

James: back to my lecture

James: Harry, I understand that you're upset

Harry: okay

James: Ugh, Lily, you're a lot better at this stuff than I am

Lily: fine

Lily: Harry, you have to talk to James. He KNOWS that you're upset. He KNOWS that you need time, but this is ridiculous

Lily: you've had the whole summer plus two weeks. You are going to talk to your father or else I'll have no choice but to take away your phone and ground you

Sirius: WORD

Harry: okay


Harry: okay

James: what if I was suicidal and that was my last straw🥲

Harry: okay

Lily: Harry you have 3 seconds to say something other than "okay"

Harry: k

Sirius: welp

Harry: I'm just fucking with you all💀

Harry: dad, mom got a new phone carrier so I lost your number

Harry: I didn't know it was you texting so I blocked you lmao

James: LILS

Lily: ohhh I forgot MY BAD

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