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Elijah and Harry - Private chat

Elijah: Harry

Elijah: I just wanted to apologize

Elijah: please answer

Elijah: damn why am i begging YOU to answer ME💀

Elijah: Harry, I really am sorry. I know I shouldn't have slept with Melody, and I take responsibility for it. If there's anything I could do, please tell me.

Harry: hi

Harry: I'm not exactly enthusiastic about you and Melody, but it's not like she was cheating on me

Harry: and I want her to be happy even if it's not with me
So pls take care of her and make her smile and laugh.


Elijah: I do NOT have romantic feelings for her. It was a fling, and strictly that.

Harry: thank you for saying that even if it wasn't the truth
It makes me feel a bit better

Elijah: you're welcome?
And as I said, if there's anything I can do...

Harry: I had this crazy idea at first to try to win her back, but I realized she broke up with me for a reason. I want to respect her wishes to not see me so... all I ask is that you just make sure she's happy

Elijah: well you go to school together
Ofc you're gonna see each other
But I will let you know if anything happens

Harry: ok

Theo and Harry - private chat

Harry: THEO


Theo: I'm not a therapist but sure...

Harry: die.

Theo: Harry that could've pushed me over the edge

Harry: anyway
I need to get over Melody

Theo: okay so what are you into??

Harry: I'm not trying to move on Theo.
I just don't want to be sad about her anymore

Theo: beggars cant be choosers

Theo: so do you want drugs or sum💀 cause Idk what to tell you

Harry: how did you get over Eliza??

Theo: drugs, alcohol, sex, did I mention drugs?

Harry: so the unhealthy way

Theo: i mean it worked didn't it?

Harry: so what would you do if you were me?

Theo: Harry, you are an attractive guy who is single. There are dozens of women at hogwarts lining up to date you, or maybe just 🍆

Harry: I'll think about it ig

Harry: thank you?

Theo: of course! Anytime bestie!
Yk we're looking for a replacement for Draco, so if you'd ever like to join me and Blaise at the Slytherin table, you're more than welcome

Harry: uhh
I'll think about it

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