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Melondiggory: so I dyed it

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Melondiggory: so I dyed it...

Thebestweasley: IN LOVE

Boyfriendofdean: Harry is raging rn

Cedricdickory: dad's gonna be pissed😍😍

Hayleeyuh: heyyy so by any chance are you 💅

Elijah created a group chat with Melody and Harry

Elijah: hello to my divorced parents

Harry: if we're your divorced parents then why did you sleep with Mel

Elijah: not the point

Harry: and aren't your parents already divorced...?

Elijah: stfu

Elijah: anyway
You two need to makeout

Melody: .. no


Harry: I wanna post a meme...

Elijah: take this seriously or Lily will have a deranged son to deal with

Harry: yes sir

Melody: so what do u want me to say...?

Elijah: just make up idfk

Elijah: ight I'll leave ya to it

Elijah is offline

Harry: so should I send a dick pic or...?

Melody: no.

Harry: how are we supposed to make up

Harry: I would say seggs but that seems unhealthy

Melody: you've already destroyed your body enough what do you care about "healthy"?

Harry: do you think I'm taking drugs
I've only gotten drunk twice, and yes I have slept with other girls, but I have used protection

Melody: and that justifies you how?

Harry: tell me you haven't kissed or done anything with anyone else.

Melody: well thats just not fair

Harry: and everyone thinks Im so fucked up
Sweet precious Melody sleeps with her best friend and it's okay, but when I do it ONCE just to blow off some steam, I'm a horrible person

Melody: no one thinks that Harry
We just think that hanging out with Theo and Blaise is a bad influence

Harry: Haylee hung out with them.

Melody: yeah, and she wasn't going through a breakup either.

Melody: look I'm glad that you found someone to hang out with, but you can't just bully all your friends because you think you can

Harry: so much for making up

Harry is offline

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