The Dream

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I walked to a building filled with many windows. I walked slowly to the building and peaked through the window there I saw my sin. It scared me because sin is an immortal act considered to be a transgression against divine law. " a sin in the eyes of God and against your own body ". I walked backwards away from the building and then looked up in the sky. There I saw a war going on in the sky. During the fight appeared a being greater than you and I defeating everyone and their armies. Before I knew it I felt a force beneath my feet causing me to move in the direction of the woods. I had somebody beside me but I wasn't sure who it was. As we got to the woods it was a dark path and as the force made us continue down the path . I saw a line of people who eyes were gone from their faces. The people seemed to be in a orderly fashioned line coming from the end of woods. I was so scared but I couldn't do anything . I couldn't move because the force was to strong for me. I could move my eyes in order to see but that was it. So as I got to the end of the tunnel I appeared to a place that seemed as if it was a form of judgement . I was amazed of the beautiful view in the sky and the bright lights. While I was gazed at the beautiful view . My name was called by someone and then I woke up. After that dream I was shaken up all I could say to God. Is this you?

Sometimes life seem to be the opposite of what we think when we are sitting in a dark place . I want you to know when I was was walking down the path of darkness God lined up all the people I expected to see my victory but the moment I realized that everybody in that line eyes were gone and they was walking in a different direction I realized that I'm in the walk all by myself with a pure heart beside me and that was my son. We walked through the dark scared of the outcome but when we reached the end of the walk. Victory was on the other end , grace was on the other end , forgiveness was on the other end , love was on the other end, a miracle was on the other end , happiness, guidance, and my name was called on the heavenly list. I reached heaven and now I know no matter how dark it may seem or how lonely it may get . I want you to know there is victory at the end of your darkness. People make it seem like heaven is no where near but when I found peace and I reached the green pastures and the still waters and I realized what God want for me heaven began here on earth for all his people. Never think that God has left you because even when your mind is clouded it seem like God has left you there alone . I was forced to that darkness so that I can see I was never designed to look outside of me to find my purpose it was always within . It just took God and the shaping of the darkness to birth that thing to the surface. So I can be a witness of something great. One thing about the darkness I didn't have a choice but once God showed himself I felt covered like no other. Don't be scared because when God has chosen you nothing on earth can touch you and take anything from you. Even the seed of a plant have to go through the darkness of life but once that seed breakthrough and make it through the darkness light will be brought forth and the plant will produce great seed in its season just like you and I. Darkness is another distraction. Some call it isolation or loneliness but sometimes it is necessary so God can reach you clearly. What makes it hard the enemy tends to show up in isolation because God have you in a place of testing to see even when the world turn its back on you will yo look within for me. The devil tends to temp you if things he know God is not pleased with like it Jesus. Jesus was on assignment to save souls so the devil tried to distract him from Gods plan that's why God sent you the spirit of example so when it is your time you will be ahead of the game. God will always take care of you and watch you shine within his light. Always remember it's not what it looks like it's all about what it is likely become. Nobody journey is perfect but we all have a path to walk and sometimes it align us with completely opposite aligned individuals so that the other can see it is an example that even the chosen ones are not clean they have sinned also. Some need to recognize the traits of the evil one in order to know what is right and wrong It is never too late to come on within yourself that is why it is transferred too you because it trust in you to believe in you so that you will find the good in it. Mind clearing is another great way allowing God to reach you in your darkest days that is why Jesus fasted , prayed and meditated in the season of isolation. It keeps your senses alert and ready to receive what God is sending your way to bless and heal by allowing it to work through you . Spiritual warfare is revealed in the darkness that is why the light always overcome darkness. Once the darkness is revealed the light is recognized. That is why I try my best to stay in the light of my soul as possible . Never said I was perfect but I push myself to be the best I can. I proud of the way I fought through the ups and down of life. What was up came down and what goes down definitely comes back up again. Always know that situation may seem to set you back but look at it as a set up for set back just so you can come right back up. The darkness will never win only wrap back around for the light to shine again. God is always there sister and brother in Christ .

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