The Works

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You now understand the power of the word of God. Now it is time for you to put in the works. A lot of people ask this question all the time what are the works of the lord. What do he want me to do? There are a lot of clues in the bible to what man suppose to do. Feed the hungry, give to the needy, be open arms to the lonely, and more. The flesh of the body allows us to fall in to temptation of the wrong doing of the bible. When naturally picked up selfish ways and worship things that are not holy. We must not be greedy of the things of the world. If you have two of anything , share it to one who has none. If you give to anyone do not expect nothing in return. God do not expect his people to be like the common of this world. We should not expect the people to meet us half way because everybody cant hold that much wait or give as much as others. When you believe in the creator of all things you will understand why the world of God is so important. Dont sit there and hold all that information about God and not share it with the one who knows not. Faith without works is dead. Have you been working ?

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