Its In The Soil

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Remember that the soil is that depression, pain, loneliness, fear, doubt, guilt, unhappiness, betrayal. Everybody reading this has been thrown in the soil even if they recognize it or not. Some people are thrown in the soil earlier than others because God designed their life that way. We need every child of God to take control of their soil and give it to God to handle. Do not sit in the soil too long because it feels familiar. Some people get the soil confused . Don't just look at the soil as a place of dirt it also is a place where growth is forced upon you. We walk around everyday not knowing what people are going through. That's why we need to be careful on using people for personal gain because you never know what God has planned for that individual. The soil is that place that bring most people strength to forefront of life. Knowing that you have weakness cause some to use their strength in the wrong way. Just because you are going through pain do not mean everybody know. What ever you are dealing with only you and God know unless eyes have seen it. It is you inside that sunken place where you feel like everything around you is negative or you feel nothing is never going to turn out how you want it too. It even seems like nobody is there for you but God want you to know it planted you in the soil knowing that you was stronger enough to handle it. When we got placed in the soil God knew we had something that would birth that soil into something greater. Some people nurture pain in different ways. Knowing your heart and mind and how you will bless someone who also experience the similar walk is what amaze God. So then both of you will now know God was always there. He expects you to pick up the nutrients and use it to your advantage to lift somebody else. You represent the seed because he placed you in the world for you and others around you . Most importantly for it to reach all parts of the world. Sometimes these experiences we Encounter are weeds that is blocking us from harvesting but God knows you are capable of breaking and walking with the weeds without letting it destroy you completely . The thoughts , the people , the situations are just the little small things that try to cloud your vision or distract you from staying positive. They are blocking you from the harvest but God has placed you around people who were made to help you remove those weeds so you can push through the bad times. So when it's time for you to share you are always qualified because you was not perfect either. The gospel itself is also the tool to fight through weeds . Once the weeds are removed . You see yourself growing , blossoming , fighting through the soil because now you are focused on your break through, your victory. This is that alignment making sure your Mind and heart are clear to receive what God is leading you to do. Heaven is the destination and God do not want to leave his children behind. Do your good works and be open to the will of God and see what God has for you. You really want to know what it has for you because it is food for the soul and it will deliver you from the soil. It is Confimation for the outcome. It's the green pastures and still waters . That ever lasting peace.

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