Stay Aligned with God

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Do sometimes you feel like God is not there? It seem that way at times because we fall to far off the wayside but God is waiting on you to come back. It seems like the little ducklings. One go away to play and mom looks for the duck but when the duck realize he went to far . He eventually found his way back home. God is waiting on you to come back home. Don't fall into sins that keep you stuck from hope , love, and peace because God loves you and want you to have a happy life's Sometimes life can seem cloudy but I'm here to tell you that the sun is gone shine just believe in God. Trust in God . Continue to read the word so that your faith will strengthen because sometimes we look for God to appear in the same manner he always do. Sometimes God is working through you. Sometimes he is fighting for you. Don't let nobody make you feel like God is getting weak or he is not as powerful. God can handle whatever you going through. It may seem dark because the dark trials is covering the victory and making it seem as if God is not there but always remember that God is always there. People can try to force you to believe that there is not God but make sure you stay in alignment. Even when you going through God has covered you in the darkness and used your weakness to measure against the evil forces to strengthen you through that. That's why when you put it in God hand and fight that thing and face it with the power of God . It eventually bows down. So always remember to feed you soul with Gods word and stay on the path of God because the trials may  continue to try to bump you off your path and bring pain and tears to your eyes one in awhile but hold on and feed your life with the Holy Spirit so that your faith remain strong . I always want you to remember that God is always there . So when life seem to make you feel like trials are bigger you make that thing small in your life and make your foundation with God a big thing. Look to God for strength find that place and talk to God . As long as you stay aligned with God your life and trials will bow automatically. Don't fear anything . Fight through that thing that seem bigger . Face that thing with the armor of God . It's not about how you feel it's about who you represent. God don't want you to react on your feelings especially when you are going through your storms. When Jesus said take up your cross and walk with me . He want you to stay aligned with God and do your best at being holy as possible. You know you are aligned with God when things seem to fall in your favor and people seem to start making peace with you that never even thought you was gone make it. Be kind and love through all things and see what God has in line for you.

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