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Have you ever planted a seed before and felt so excited about that seed that you just could not wait to see it harvest? If you never planted a seed well, I am here to help you understand some things about God when it come to seeds. First you should find your seeds and when you look for your seeds look with passion and meaning. You cannot just pick any seed you see you have to look for seeds that will complete the mission or the outcome of what you are trying to accomplish. Some seeds are made to produce food. Some seeds are made to produce healing for the body. Some seeds are made to create flowers for the flow of life. Some are made to feed the insects and in some cases protect them from predators. That is why we should not judge a person's journey because we never know what type of seed God planted within them. Some people have a purpose in ways that is beyond our thinking. The more I learn and read into things the more I realize that God is an on going learning experience. So always remember you must make sure the seed is the right fit for your garden depending on what you are trying to accomplish. Everyday God searches for great seeds like you because when he is trying to accomplish great things he look beyond what you and I can see. It manage to find and use different types of people to complete its will and what you and I asked it for. So it searches for seeds that will fit just right for its kingdom and just right for you because he know what you and I need. So never feel like you are not enough because it planted you before the foundation of the world. Always remember God is a spirit.

Secondly, Select Your Seeds with confidence.  You must pick the best seed for your garden by researching the purpose of the plant. Sometimes its not all about how your garden stand out but most importantly what that plant is made and created to do. Sometimes God select those people we least expect it to choose. Some may feel like well they not intelligent enough. They make bad decisions. They did this they cant be that perfect. That is why God do not move or select his people base off the understanding of man who think power is the answer or they have all the answers . Most people like to say well he or she do not even have the common sense to do this or handle that or comprehend this. This is why God does not allow others to have power over one another unless he ordained that individual to oversee its people. So God have people who is chosen to preach and spread its word for healing and love. God searches the heart of the individual through their faith and worship. So do not fear to let it be known that you believe in it.  Spread the gospel and let the Holy Spirit speak through you. You never know what an individual is going through. They may need somebody today and that person just may be you if you allow it to lead you to do so.

Thirdly make sure you find a pot and soil. Some pots have holes in the bottom and some do not. The holes are made to make sure the pot does not cause over watering. The ones without the holes is to make sure the soil stay moist. So depending on the plant needs for survival that is what pot you should consider getting. Now when you are searching for soil make sure the nutrients is the key it all depends on what you are growing. You have soil for different variety of seeds. So when entering soil into a pot think about what nutrients will bring out the strength of the seed so the harvest can flow abundantly. So God sent us through the darkness of our mother wound making sure we was sent to the place we was designed to be. Not only did it make sure we was in the right place. It also allowed us to be surrounded around the darkness and the light of others. These individuals was guided to orchestrate us into the person we need to be in order to complete a certain task or assignment for God. Whole time people think they fooling people or got them wrapped around their finger when God placed them in that alignment for greater things to happen. That is why the nutrients and the dirt is combined in the soil because you need both in order to cause something small as they claim us to be. To become something or reveal something greater than they ever imagined. God chose wonderful people to carry the gospel to its people, but the beds of the chosen ones are unclean in some way but God seen beyond that. We judge not knowing that life was designed that way purposely. They believed in God but didn't follow the commandments of God because their flesh was too weak to fulfill everything that he wanted to be done. Commandments was not made to control us but most importantly to protect us. God ordained people like Abraham, Moses, and many more that did not seem to fit the picture of what man believed was worthy. So when God see your worth that really what all that matters because it see in ways you and I could never see. The more we feel like we not worthy of something or someone God shows us we are more that enough if we are apart of God.

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