Recycling Season

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One thing people don't like to talk about is the season of reinventing who you are. Sometimes we think we are on the right path of God when things seems to be going good . We tend to give away too much power to the things of this world and forget that God is the main source. During the time of reinventing myself I realized that when God removes the things around me that I thought so highly of. He gives you the free will to think so and then he shows you that no man on this watch can fulfill the need or wants you want. God knows everybody heart and mind .God knows what places to put you in when things get tough . This is a great time to speak your testimonies to remind people that God is still working. God makes me realize that everything here relies on him. Nobody have the power to protect you, bless you, or even favor you like the almighty God can. You have false Gods and preachers that only uses power rules to make you bow down or rely on them. One thing I realized about life is that we tend to forget how great God is . He is within us we just have to allow him to work. God want you to work on the inner you when God sets your life up for you to depend on them. They think that have power over you but God is only preparing you for your next up season . He places you on the edge of your mind and shows you some truth . The moment I faced who I really am I realized I am nothing without God. The moment I chose the light I didn't realize that God plan for you is way bigger than you can ever imagine. The evil in this world thinks they have the upper hand but God is among us. Now we are at the point when we need to work on strengthening the inner you. Realize your weakness and the things that cause you to fall off track. This is when you realize that accountability is so important . Recognize who there and who wasn't . Working on you and reinventing yourself means managing your surroundings and managing your emotions and how you feel about yourself . People make mistakes and decisions that cost them a life turn of heartache but once you learn to just trust in God and keep him at the foundation and stop giving certain people so much power. Then you will realize that God is all you need he will handle your cares and your needs even if he have to bring a enemy into your life. Don't look at your season of shaping as a bad thing . Understand that you only can endure the things that you can but in all things glorify your God and remain humble . Allow him to fight and handle your situations . You can't handle it on your own you must use God strength when you are weak. One thing for sure that season is only temporary . So the next time God blesses you . You will keep it because now you know how to only trust in God .

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