Dig Deeper

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Keep an eye on thine self . We all have fallen short because we all have sinned. I'm not here to judge bc I'm here to heal. Sometimes we have to face things but in a healthy manner so that we can heal properly. I have sinned and fallen short many of times. Sin can be deadly at times too because sin can lead your life into traps. Then your spirit will feel condemned but God is not giving up on you. Some sins can happen in a matter of seconds and cause harm and heartache over your life for years. My advice to you is to fight your sins don't dwell in them . Don't beat yourself up bc we all have sins we have trouble dealing with. No matter how beautiful somebody life may seem on social media. We all know once we visit ourselves away from the media we realize that our inner pain reaches the surface of our brains and hearts. Some people have been abused and got their innocence taken and it cause some to sin in a matter that they think they accepted the pain of their past but in reality they are continuing to replay that hurt over and over . I could be wrong but I've found myself doing these things. Some become victim of acting like their abuser and tend to treat people in their life in the same manner making it hard for them to love them. People who love these people wonder what's wrong may even think their crazy. We should observe our actions and ask ourselves what is it in the core of my behavior. The more we observe and listen to how we feel when we feel triggered the more we find ourselves and learn how to fight against our issues and sins. It's definitely an easier way to healing. Never beat yourself up or others around you. Some sins can be lust of money or material things that cause you to treat people as property and material things as value. Things can always be replace but what if every material thing was destroyed and all we will have is each other. No person on this planet can be replaced. Most wounds are just hard getting over even when you think you have done some healing but try and create a safe place in your heart and make that thing small and flee from things that remind you of it. I maybe a young person but the small experiences I had opened my eyes to things most people tend to look over and even make others feel like it's something wrong if you have issues or commit sin. We all know deep down we all have flaws and have done sins it would probably make others sick. Nobody can judge only God can and I want healing and light for the ones who willing to receive it. I fight against sin the best I know how and I pray you learn how to as well. I'm not perfect at all but I try my best to fight against all sin. I've learned by observing and because the people around me sometimes have a great motive or intention on things but is blind to the sin that causes pain or hurt to the person they are trying to help. That's why I pray I come with the purest intention to help you heal and realize that God wants you near. I have a story for you and I'm not here to judge or point anybody sin out but this is my experience. I started my journey on planting and in my spirit I felt that I should dig more deeper within myself and learn more about my feminine elders before my time. I ask a few family members questions because I was a decade from my siblings so most things I've learn or know I had to observe and ask questions. Most of the women in my family are religious women and love planting . Especially roses so I bought my first plant and I didn't really know much about planting but I was inspired, dedicated, and most definitely curious on how to do this project correctly. So I ask someone to help me with my first plant and I trusted this person to give me great knowledge and handle my vulnerable approach to this experience with care. When I arrived with this plant I was so excited like I don't have words to explain what happen but the person said "Do you have any soil?" I felt so embarrassed but when I bought the plant it already was in soil and had a few blooms. I said I forgot to get soil. The person said well I have a bag of soil I opened around my house can you go get it. One thing I didn't forget when I bought the plant is I bought a big box of fertilizer, gloves, and flowering pots. So I went around the house and notice that the soil this person had opened already was damaged and was no good to use but I seen a big bag of fresh soil next to it and I asked the person can I use their new soil. The person said no I got to use that for my plants. So I told the person I will just go to the store later to get soil and they told me well we can do this we can break the soil up. So this person broke my roots and soil up and left me with old soil and dropped a piece of my roots on the ground and continued to break up the soil some more. So I placed my broken soil and picked up as much as I could so I can put it in my new pot and the person continuing to break soil and I'm scrapping as much soil that I can to surround my plant back together. I added a few drops of my fertilizer and placed it on the porch. The person ask well I will take one bag of your fertilizer bc you don't need that much. I was like okay that's fine. I made sure my plant was in place of direct sunlight too because roses bloom well in sunlight. Remember I didn't have much knowledge on plants so I just trust this person to pass down as much knowledge to as much as they could from our ancestors. So I watered my plant the next morning before I went to work. So every evening and morning I check on my flower hoping it will evolve so I rushed to the store and bought more soil and placed it around the plant. The blooms I already had died on me so I felt like I failed at this thing . So I went to work trying to figure out what I did wrong . I started watching videos trying to see how to pot a plant and evolve it and a guy at my job came in the area I was in and mention something about plants. So I asked advice on how to pot a plant and explain my story with him. He said it's always best to keep the roots close together as much as possible never break the roots or the soil. So when I sat back and thought about my situation on how that person broke my roots and didn't even want to offer a little of their new soil. I thought to myself well maybe I'm not aware and is blind to the people I surround myself with . I just got my roots strip from me bc maybe the person was trying to steal a sample of my plant when all they had to do was ask. Sometimes people can be selfish and still take from you when they already stole from you because they knew you didn't know better. When you have God on your side even the small things get revealed to those who believe. As much as I love the ones around me and I was lacking nutrients from my soil and I couldn't even get a little soil for my plant. It just shows how people will break your roots and take them from you because they know even if they had a piece of their roots they may shine in your light. When God give you light it is significant to you and him. People can only shine with their own light no matter how much they try to take from you they will never be able to shine in the light God put in your life because God planted you for your purpose in your life not nobody else. It's certain people you can reach that I can't reach and their are some people I can reach that you can't reach. That's why it is important to watch you sins bc even though you tried to take from me. You will never know or see the spiritual evolvement I have experienced based off my experiences. This is only the beginning and God will have the finally answer to all our sins. Some things aren't even about the people in our life . This world is about spiritual warfare. The ones closer to you can be a threat sometimes . So with that being said Even while that person was taking from me I blessed them with fertilizer that would probably last them 6 months or longer depending on how much they use. Watch who you share your soil with bc you have some there to take and not give. Now that we have knowledge on plants . Figuring out who we are in God should be easier. We all know that it's in the soil where it seems the lowest but at least you know the soil is their to keep your roots in tact . So never let somebody bring your past back up to the surface once you already sustained and made that thing small bc with out that soil you wouldn't have any roots. The soil is what give you the strength so when the dirt is thrown on your roots which was already packed together protecting your roots. Next time when you receive fresh soil to evolve your plant . Always remember that God and you are in control because you already experienced things so the next soil that is thrown on you . You make sure you take out the nutrients my brother and sister because God will provide the rain which are the blessings that keep you going. Even though people may think my experience was something small but some people can see God even in the little things . So don't let people change your perspective on how you see God. The best thing I heard Paster Noel Jones say and I quote. Some people see God as something big and some people see God as something small. Brother and sister if a plant seem small to some that's their business but I see God in everything . God Planted you before the foundation of the world ! Now is the time to unlock your foundation. God is blessing you !

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