Activate Your Seed

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Activating your seed is an important step. You must understand the part you need to play in this journey. Most people look for God to come show them the way and give them the thing they desire right away. God had already paid the price for you and me. It is time for you to expose yourself to the lord and use your gifts to uplift God's kingdom as an exchange for grace. If you continue to wait around and expect a preacher to bring a word to you on Sunday, your seed will suffer. You must learn the bible for yourself expand your knowledge in the word and let it bring revelation to your heart. The seed God has in you is struggling to grow right now. You must activate your seed by studying Gods word daily. Feeding your soul with knowledge and meditate it day and night. Once you read the word make sure you are understanding what you are reading. Once your brain has stored all the good things of the lord. Let it also be in your heart to spread the word to people who do not know our savior and his works. Jesus left the Holy Spirit upon the earth so we can have access to it. It will lead you to places God want your seed to harvest in. Just believe in what you do, and it will lead you where you need to go. Let God use you in a special way. Serve him by spreading his gospel to his lost sheep like you and me once was. Shine my sister and brother. The light you have in you is marvelous to our father. Your soul is now activating.........

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