Identify You

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    Do you really know who you are??
Guess what! I have great news for you. You are one of the worlds greatest gift. You are wonderfully made in the image of God. Did you know God give you everything you need to survive. It designed you to heal your body and feed your body with wonderful things. You was never made to look to another or worry about what the day brings because deep down within yourself you will find out that everything God left on the earth was all your to share with one another. You are a super human you was made to evolve like the trees, building your roots through God so nothing in this world could stop you. Have you ever noticed a old tree that still stands because it's root are so strong. It constantly goes through the changes of seasons. Even when trees and plants evolve and build their strength. It realizes what it's true meaning and purpose here. Even in its best state of being life continues to even give the trees and plants trails and tribulations. We have to be as strong as the tree and understand that we have seasons of ups and downs. Being obedient and staying in aligned with God is opening yourself up to your true identity. You start seeing yourself doing things out of love because you are love. You see yourself forgiving those who despitefully use you because you are forgiven. You lead people to healing because GOD healed you . God has always been apart of you. Sometimes we tend to lose track of who we are because it's so easy to act like your neighbor or do things that will hurt other because it give you a temporary happiness . There is no other happiness that compares to the one that is within . True happiness is knowing that you have the power to get you revenge but you chose to fight against the traps of the enemy because now you know this isn't about flesh and blood. This is about a spiritual war that been going on since the beginning of time. So knowing that goodness and love is so much greater than sin with deliver you from many things . I knew who I was when I saw what I can bring to others. So I tend to give what's apart of me just to lift another. Some people think healing is forcing religion upon one another but just being around individuals and lifting them up by doing the small things will heal someone. Sometimes just knowing that you are here for me and willing to listen to me can be healing. Knowing that you have the power to place a smile on somebody face should inspire you to look deeper within. Yea we may all sinned and fallen short but those things happen so we wouldn't look down on one another and realize we are equal in God eyes. Just don't whole back when you know the knowledge or reached within yourself and found what you neighbors never thought they had. Being self aware is always a great way to lead yourself to peace and identifying every parts you. Know what we can have control over when it comes to having peace is more like identity to me. What do you think?

God loves every part of you in many ways we tend to not pay attention too. You are the one it searches within and explores the heart seeking what it all desires once it get involved with the physical body. The heart is one of the most powerful place an individual uses. It pumps the blood through the body for all organs so imagine what the heart does to the spirit of others when it has God in spirit. It pushes the individual to love people for who they are not for who they want them to be . Understand it's place and only spreading the love it can afford to give. Know that life is not all about who loves me but what love do I give. That is why when he planted you and I he knew we would allow it to spread among the world by using our vessel. It make the world balance knowing that love is still head even when the world looks like it is falling apart . When God planted his love within you it extended among use all multiplying to generation to generation. Knowing that God planted within you is knowing it will flow among the ones you shine your light upon and trusting that what ever you leave among your people will continue and strengthen overtime. Once you recognize these things don't you think you need to recognize it because it not only just you making these wonderful things happen. Appreciating what you are made of it that made you. It is a great way to worship. Being thankful for what it gave you the power to do. You are the one who produces great fruit in his/her season by spreading your light and knowing when and not too. When you are giving to other not just speaking on materialistic thing but things or words people can take with them and apply it to their life for everlasting usage is plant good seed your season of giving. You are the one who thirst for his living water. Sometimes we catch ourselves looking for a missing piece and looking for in places outside of ourself. Then when we have done it for so long we wonder what happen to me. I lost my true self seeking for the missing piece. The missing piece was God and knowing that he is within you . You was thirsting for the one who created you so you could know where you come from. Knowing where you come from fulfill that thirst because the water God has for you is everlasting . You are the one who pray for strength in a time like this. You know prayer is powerful so you tend to pray for those who continue to use you or try to make you look like fool. Whole time you was placed in their life to pray for them anyway. Sometimes God seeks to help those that don't look his way but he places you near to make sure they are okay. In order to experience the God experience you must be open to it. So in some cases we are used to plant God within people so they can recognize and remember that it is already apart of you just like it is apart me. Knowing these things should lead to identity. What do you think? There are many more things that fall into place when you realize these wonderful things. Now you are the one who seeks him & meditates his word day and night, feeds the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter those who are in need. The one who sacrificed his/her flesh to live in the spirit by putting theirselves aside so that somebody else can have. Always look deep inside of you and ask yourself. Am I doing the works of my God?? I'm here to tell you don't worry. God hears your heart crying out. Listen to your spirit crying for freedom. Find a place that is quiet. Speak positive words on your life and talk to God. Tell it your needs and desires. Even though you feel like you have done everything they say you should do. It makes your soul tired at time but don't give up on your faith keep doing the works of God. You're on the right path of life. Once you realize who you are. Your purpose is in this world and will show up and bless those around you. God will order every step just trust it that is within.

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