Chapter 19 |Trump card of both creators|

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Heavy breathes were heard, both sides were tired out- Yet the main heroes themselves still cannot move.

As each second, each minute pass- the despair get better and better, Like a knife slowly cutting a soft skin. Nevertheless, he was determined... Determined to save her. He will do whatever it takes just to save her-




Dumbfounded he felt, He can't move? Why is that? No, the time must've stopped. Not quite. If so, what is it then?

His ears perked and his eyes snapped towards the direction of footsteps
' You... ' He growled in his mind

"This has taken too long, I'm afraid I will have to seize you and get rid of her myself... In order to get rid of whatever spell she may have put on you" The monkey said, Helpless- Despair corrupted his heart. Tears roller down his cheeks "I'm sorry..."

He muttered to himself. And soon enough- all the electricity in the room has begun to shut down "M-Mojo?!" The said monkey was startled, clearly having nothing to do with the power outage.

"POWERPUFF GIRL Z WAN!!!" a familiar pitched voice echoed in the room "Took you long enough!" Said the familiar voiced of the red haired female, and in a flash–

They moved like lightning in the dark, saving their friend from the threat of death "I am putting a barrier for you (Y/N), don't worry this will be quick" Said the blonde female as she untie the blindfold from her friend. The (H/C) haired female nodded with a brave smile on her face "Go get them" She responded

"No no no nO NO! YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE UPPER HAND NOW, BUT YOU DON'T!" The monkey cried out before the ground start to rumble "WE'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!" The black haired female roared as all three ready their weapon in unison "AND I'VE GOT MORE TO GIVE! MOJO JOJOJOJOJO!!!!!" The monkey laughed hysterically as his gigantic robot thrust out of the ground as he enter it's head and began controlling it

All three heroes jumped in unison and started hitting the giant robotic version of the villainous monkey. They've hit and smashed, kicked and crushed– with every attack, critical each wack

And with the last attack, they've created a huge crack as they sent the monkey flying to the ground, defeated– the monkey passed out. The girls have tied him to make sure he can no longer escape ever again.

"Now..." The red haired female turned around "Yo- Huh?" Confusion was visible in the female's face as she found no sight of the two male "Where'd they go?" She asked herself "Damnit! We let them off our sight" The black haired female cursed under her breath "We'll get him next time" said the blonde as she put a hand on her friend's shoulder "Yeah, like always" replied buttercup

The little bubble barrier pop and the (H/C) haired female plopped to the ground. The (H/C) haired female rushed towards her friends and gave them a big hug "You guys are the bestest friends one could have" She said with her eyes closed as they returned the hug "We're just glad you're safe..." said the red head female "Oh!" The (H/C) haired girl exclaimed as she pulled away from the hug and ran past her friends "BRICK!" Worried, she cried out as she ran towards the still immobilized boy and crouch down his level and embraced him "Oh I'm glad you're safe..." She said as she hug him lovingly

"Really now?" Whispered buttercup and bubbles nudged her side "Shh, let them have their moment" replied the blonde. The male returned the hug as he lay his head on the crook of his beloved's neck "I'm sorry I couldn't it" He apologized, his voice sounds hoarse, the female pulled back with brows frowned "Nonsense! You have done enough!" She said as she pulled him for another hug "But you wouldn't have been put through in this danger if it weren't for me..." He sobbed as a tear rolled down from his eyes "No no, I saw this coming and I still chose to be with you! So none of this is your fault" the (H/C) female reassured the crying boy in hope to comfort him

❝𝕽𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕵𝖚𝖑𝖎𝖊𝖙❞Where stories live. Discover now