Chapter 29 |Bust!|

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   "You're kidding right? There is NO WAY!" Butch frowned at ken while the raven haired male just closed his eyes and raise his head "it's true though. Mojo Jojo has once snuck in the lab and stole the chemical z along with the girl's items that have their DNA attached to it and left. As for how he created you three, I am not completely sure but base on my deductions, he may or may not have used his DNA on you" The three eyed ken in disbelief and shock.

   "NO WAY! THERE IS NO WAY I AM CREATED BY THEIR DNA! NO. WAY!" Butch objectified with a look of disgust "My dearest (Y/N), See you in my next life. Sincerely, your beloved boyfriend brick" The redhead boy said as he wrote down on a piece of paper with trembling hand and a traumatized face. Meanwhile the blonde boy was curled up while rock himself back and forth while he chant "I wish I was never born" repeatedly.

Ken looked at the three boys before a sigh escape his lips "You're all hopeless. I don't even know what she sees in you..." Ken said before turning around and looking at the professor who was currently busy guiding the girls. The raven haired boy step beside his father before saying "Hey dad... Is it really the right thing to let (Y/N) be with him?" He spoke out of nowhere. The professor paused for a bit, trying to process what his son has just said before turning his head around and smiling at him "Are you against their relationship?" He asked. Ken look above him and stared at nothing "Well, ever since (Y/N) got into a relationship with him, she's been getting into more and more trouble. I'm just worried for her..." Ken said looking down

His eyes widen when he felt a hand lay itself on top of his head "I get what you're getting at, but just remember how when (Y/N)'s parents decided to keep them apart. (Y/N) had stopped eating and had barely hang on her senses and even got herself involved with an ancient monster while brick distance himself from everyone as he sulk in his room. Ken, my boy. More hardship is gonna come their way and they will prove again and again that even fate can't part them, so let's just support them in the sidelines and help them out when we can" the professor looked back at the monitor "One day, you'll find your own love life and then you'll see why the those two young lovers are so persistent" The elder raven haired male looked at his son with kind eyes. Ken smiled at his father before nodding

Unbeknownst to the father and son, a certain ginger-haired male is listening to them attentively. His crimson eyes stared at the ground while a sad silent sigh escape his lips.

A sad smile formed in his lips "Thank you old man... Glad you're on our side" is what he mentally told the rather busy professor before leaving.

Meanwhile, at the mind of the (H/C) haired girl– she is currently inside a rather big birdcage. Her hands gripped on the metal bars "LET ME OUT! HIM! YOU BASTARD!" (E/C) eyes glare daggers at his emerald ones while the red monster just grin at her in a rather sinister way "Now you wouldn't be my prisoner if I simply let you out no? Just stay there and be silent" Him replied in which the little (H/C) haired girl scowled

"Just wait a little bit longer, my dear..." Him's grin grew wider as he thought "Or would you rather have the company of your beloved brick?" Her (E/C) eyes grew wider at the sudden mention of her lover's name. Her knees fell to the ground while her eyes turn watery, both her hands cover her face as tears roll out of her eyes.

She cried.

  Our of nowhere, a pair of arms wrap itself around her while the other pat her head. She raised her head, wide eyes "There, there. Don't cry now love, I'm here now!" She turn her head to face him "Don't let those tears stain your beautiful face ok?" He said before kissing her cheek.

Unbeknownst to her, him has finally regained his own black light. Out of her little mind, Him stood tall before the fallen monsters as he grinned at them "Fools! I wouldn't use the black light to make you guys stronger! My real goal is..." Him's black particles show a volcano.

"H-How? Why– I don't understand!" teary (E/C) eyes stared at his crimson eyes while he smile lovingly at her "You don't have to question anything love. Let's just stay like this... Forever" he caresses her head as he pull her closer to his embrace "B-But!" "Shhh..." was all he said before she fell asleep on his arms...

Meanwhile at the Utonium residence...

    "Seems like you guys had a hard time, Powerpuff Z. Good job" The professor thanked as blossom hand him the gathered necessary white light to seal a certain monster "With this– oh" Out of nowhere, a sudden ground vibration appeared "W-What?!" Ken's eyes traveled until it landed on the tall mountain "Mount Fuji!" All of their attention was placed on the certain volcano that is threatening to erupt "What's going on?!" The professor asked no one in particular

Lava began overflowing as all of them look at the erupting volcano with worry. The doors were heard to bust open "OI OLD MAN! WHAT'S WITH THAT VOLCANO?!" The red haired male yelled/asked as all three boys arrived at the scene

"Mount Fuji... Is erupting!"


Short chapter, but let's put the cliffhanger there.
If you've seen
Demashita! Powerpuff  Girls Z
Then you'd know we're near the end of the story!
I'm thinking of making an "after story" after the end of the story- y'know? When him arc is over?


Maybe they'll be a minor part of the after story. GLAD THIS IS FINALLY ENDING SHEESH

Word count

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