Chapter 20 |Guilt|

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     "I'm your daughter's boyfriend" those words left the boy's mouth as both parent stared at him in disbelief...

"O-Our (Y/N)'s boyfriend?" The woman repeated as her eyes traveled down to her daughter. Her (E/C) orbs met her mother's eyes as the (H/C) haired female averted gaze from her mother, her heartbeat slowly beating faster and faster "(Y/N), honey what is the meaning of this?" The (H/C) haired female felt her heart skip a beat, she know this tone all too well.

Once again she lock gazes at her mother as her mouth open "Mom- I can explain!" She started, bracing herself from the fierce glare from her birth giver, Conflict in her eyes. "I... I started dating about a month ago-" The female cut herself off as she saw the terrifying gaze of both hot and cold glare. If fantasy was what she lived in, Icicles would start rosing from her feet up to her leg as her body sweat as if she had faced hell itself, nevertheless, she continued.

"I-I was gonna tell you both about it soon b-but-" "(Y/N)... My dear (Y/N), Not only have you gotten yourself in trouble, but have started dating a mere boy behind our back– THAT WE DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT" Her voice start to raise higher as she caught everyone's attention. The female redhead snap her head towards the voice "Oh no" she muttered under her breath before walking towards the parent "I should've prevented this..." Guilt was building up inside her, nevertheless she brace herself

"H-Hi! What seem to be the pro-" If she didn't knew better, the red haired girl would've felt as if she had freezed from moving "This is a problem between my daughter and I" The Ms. (L/N) coldly said to the hero

"Ms. (L/N)– I know I'm not supposed to interfere but-" yet again, she was cut off "THEN YOU'D KNOW BETTER THAN TO BOTHER US" The female redhead bit her lip and frown her brows before muttering a "yes ma'am" before stepping back.

The icy cold yet hot gaze traveled upon the room until it stopped to a certain redhead. "Was he the reason you were kidnapped?" The older (L/N) asked as the (H/C) haired girl eyes' widen as she panicked "Mom-" "Yes ma'am. And I'm very sorry for what happened" the red haired boy cut off her girlfriend. He can't handle it anymore, Guilt was growing like monster in him.

  The professor looked at the (H/C) haired girl with worry, this was the only problem he could not interfere. He shoved away the camera men who had also caught the yelling of the wife. He shooed them all until they were all gone.

Not long enough before Mr. (L/N) followed "Hold on... Aren't you that one kid the damn monkey created?" He said as he felt anger grow inside him "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT, TO TOUCH OUR DAUGHTER YOU DAMN CRIMINAL!" The father yelled as he held his daughter closer. The young (H/C) female eyes widen as tears slowly build in her eyes "Dad do not call him a criminal" The young (Y/N) felt her heart trembling "(Y/N), This boy has done more than enough trouble for the city! Don't you get it?" The older man said facing his daughter, She averted his gaze "You don't know him" her voice trembling yet remain strong

"(Y/N)! HE'S A CRIMINAL! A MENACE TO SOCIETY-" "YOU AND YOUR STUPID- BASELESS GOSSIP!" (Y/N) shout back as she glared him eye to eye, tears could no longer hold itself and rolled down her cheeks "Young lady you are grounded"

  She knew it. She saw it coming. She saw what's gonna happen if she do. Yet, she fought back "Fine, that's what you're only good at anyway" "and you're not allowed to see him as long as you're grounded. We're cutting off all your possible connection with him-" "What?! You can't do that!" Fear, anxious, anger, despair was building up inside her. All these emotion was too much for her

  "No (Y/N)..." The ginger boy started "It's only right, after all the trouble you've been through cuz of me" He commented. His eyes felt lifeless, as if he had just fought a losing war "N-No... You can't do this-" Her voice trembling, shaking as she stepped closer to her lover "Baby- no, please!" Tears continue streaming down her eyes, as she held her lover's arms "Brick- Please! Look at me" She pleaded with tearful eyes. However, he couldn't. It'd only hurt him more if he see her now crying "Brick please! Don't do this!" He felt his heart sting.

Both parent look at their daughter and her lover in surprise. They did not expect the boy to agree with them, they had rather expected the opposite "Please! Brick, look at me!" She pleaded again, The male braced himself and looked at his crying lover in the eyes before kissing her. Everyone had their eyes on the young couple, They felt their heart sting at this sight yet move not

The red haired male pulled back from the kiss "I'm sorry..." He apologized before walking away "No Brick- don't go! I'm begging you!" She plead as he continue walking "BRICK!" He paused and took one last look before giving her a bittersweet smile

"Goodbye (Y/N)"

The male bid farewell before taking off. Everyone was silent, only her cries were heard. It was not too long before guilt and shame build up inside the married couple. (Y/N)'s brows knitted down and her teeth gritted, she turned to her parents and said "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Her voice echoed before storming off.

Had they known this sooner, had they known how this will break her heart, had they known how strong the young couple's love for eachother is- they wouldn't have done this. The woman chased after her daughter regret filled her insides. (Y/N)'s father looked at everyone and yelled "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?! SHOW'S OVER!" The crowd hurriedly went back to what they were supposed to be doing and averted the man's gaze. He walked after his family, shame on his face.

Ah, what a gloomy day indeed.

T o  b e  c o n t i n u e d . . .

Another chapter has been finished!
Hopefully more motivation
Will come showering me cuz I wanna finish this book soon, it's been what? 2 or so years? Nah it's only been since February but like I said, this book is a recreation of my previous version of brick x reader and...
I think I'm liking this recreated one so far! So I'm giving this book it's rightful ending it deserve- hopefully before 2021 ends so... Stay tuned I suppose

Word count

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