Chapter 3 |Turn of events|

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"So... Now do you believe us?" Momoko asked as miyako and kaoru stood beside her "*Sigh* I suppose I do now... But... Is this really the reality? Am I seriously not dreaming?" You asked momoko and pinched your cheeks "Ow! Ok, I'm awake"

"Yeah... It's the reality, this is what I have become (Y/N) - chan!" Momoko exclaimed at you as she held both of your hands "Uh-huh, Save your chit-chat for later mo- Err... Blossom! Now's not the time, we gotta do our job!" Kaoru reminded momoko as she put a hand on her shoulder

  "Right! I'll tell professor to pick you up, okay (N/N) - chan? Don't worry, they're good guys!" Miyako said as she took the center of her belt and opened it like a flip phone "I can see that... Alright, good luck heroes!" You wished them luck and they waved goodbye at you then flew away

You walked out of the dark alley and sighed. You smiled and look at the sky where they flew off

"what a sudden turn of events"


"Hey... Are you really sure it's alright that we revealed our secret to (Y/N)?" Kaoru-san asked me, unsure if (Y/N) can be trusted "Don't worry buttercup, (Y/N) - chan isn't my best friend for nothing" I assured her

' Right, there's no way that (Y/N) - chan would reveal our identity, If she manage to cover for us as students, then this should be a piece of cake for her ' I reminded myself, As my faith for (Y/N) never faltering

"Ah, no worry ka- buttercup, I already contacted the professor to pick up (N/N) - san... I'm sure she can't spill our secret if she's by the professor's hands" Bubbles said "Geez! You're making it sound like as if (Y/N) - Chan is some sort of dangerous animal!" I scolded miyako, well it can't be helped since miyako already told professor...
"We gotta have a long talk with the professor later huh?" Kaoru pointed out, a little nervous "Yeah... But I'm sure professor wouldn't mind as long as she keep quiet" Miyako said.

"THERE THEY ARE!" A man yelled "AAAHH! POWERPUFF GIRLS! PLEASE HELP US!" Followed by a middle aged woman

"What happened here?" I asked the two adults "There are three boys who's causing trouble everywhere! Then there's that damn monkey! I bet he is with those naughty boys!" The middle aged man told me "Oh how they have destroyed and ruined my restaurant! Please help Powerpuff girls!" Another adult said while crying "No worries, we're here now!" Buttercup said, giving them courage "Oh, How grateful we are to have you heroes!" The middle aged woman smiled "Stay here for now, alright? We'll handle this!" Bubbles reassured them and soon we went after the troublemakers


' Ahhhh! Those girls! Why did they told someone!? Can they even tell if the person they told can be trusted?! ' I thought to myself while driving "Da-... Professor, You look troubled" Ken told me with worried face "Err... Sorry, I'm just worried about who might be this person that they decided to tell their secret unto?" I told Ken who sat at the passenger seat "We shouldn't be worry about it too much professor, I'm sure they have their reasons why they told it to this someone... But according to miyako, it was momoko who was the one that decided to tell... I'm sure she have her reasons to do such thing" Ken told me checking the map "You're right... I shouldn't be that worried... Anyhow, are we close yet?" I asked Ken who is looking at the map at his tablet "yes, we should be there soon, it also showed the person's location, they seem to stay still... I'm thinking that miyako told her about us picking them up?" Ken told me the informations as he zoomed in the map "Them?" I asked ken "Yes, it appears they're currently sitting on a bench busying Themselves" Ken told me as he look at the tablet on his hands "I see, then we'll be there soon" Ken turned off his tablet and turned his eyes on the road ahead

(Y/N)'S P.O.V

' It's been a while now, but I gotta stay here until that professor miyako was talking about come and get me' You thought to yourself as you keep petting the cat that approached you earlier "Hmm... I wonder if I could take you home little guy? Hee hee! You're just so cute!" You told the cat as if it can understand you "Meooow~!" It purred at your hand while you're petting it

"HURRY UP YOU SLOW PUNKS! HAHAHAHA!" Annoyance was visible on your face as you look towards where the person said that. You saw a guy with a ginger head afar, You examine his looks. He wear a cap that is backward and his whole outfit is all red, black and white, he also have a bandage attached to his right cheek "Brick check it out! A loner on the bench" A boy with black hair and side bangs who wear the same outfit as the ginger head but instead of red, it's green, Anger was building up inside you but you try to keep it in and before you knew it, You are surrounded by them. "ah!" You made a noise as the cat that was previously sitting on your lap, hopped out and ran away hissing at them

  "What do we have here..." The ginger haired one said as he stomp his feet beside your legs at the bench "Why you sittin' here all alone, girly? Where's you friends? They left you? Maybe you ran from home? Hahahahahah" The ginger one laughed and oh how this made your furious

' These assholes... ' You thought to yourself, now if they didn't seem younger than you, you would've thrown your hands at them already, but like they said fight your own size

The ginger haired boy who's name appeared to be brick looked at his two friends and smirked "Little girl here seems to be a little lonely..." Brick cut himself for a second and put his arm around you "Should we accompany her?" The black haired boy looked in disgust and the blonde one behind him put a confused face "Brick, Girls have cooties, what are you doing?" He  pointed out with a disgusted face

At this point, you weren't even trying to hide it and shot the black haired male a threatening gaze, before brick could reply the blonde one spoke "Guys, don't you think we should go now before those girls catch up on us?" He pointed out and the three of them exchange looks and the brick guy let out a tch "Well, see ya later cutie~" The redhead said before the three of them started running away

"Did I... Just got bullied or hit on?... Wait- THOSE GIRLS?! Were those the troublemakers?!" As you were lost in your own thought, a strange white vehicle that stopped near you caught your attention. An adult and a boy stepped outside the vehicle and what made the situation even more strange is that they were both wearing a lab coat. The older one cleared his throat and looked straight at you

"Excuse me, are you (L/N) (Y/N)?"

T o  b e  c o n t i n u e d . . .


Beside writing this story, I actually do other stuff like games and... Slack =v=
I didn't make a Valentine's special since... I literally have no idea what should be the Valentine's special should be about. Mm so yeah, maybe next year or when I finish this book which means it might be never
Haha >:)

Word count

Updates and corrected
February 15th 11:56 pm

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