Chapter 4 |Meet and meet once again|

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You are having a road trip with a guy who introduced himself as "Professor utonium" And a guy younger than you who introduced himself as "Ken" there's also a robotic dog who's name appears to be "peach" has been sniffing you for a while

"Er... Can I ask why is he sniffing me?" You asked and the guy Ken answered you "Peach is sniffing your scent to remember your smell and to identify whether you're good or bad... But judging by the time he's been sniffing you,It seems he's having a trouble at something... What could it be peach?" The younger guy named Ken looked at the robotic dog peach and peach turned around to face him "There's something off, wan! (Woof) I can't identify whether (Y/N) - san's good or bad! But there's another scent I smell at her... A bad aura but it doesn't appear to be hers, Wan!" The robotic dog, peach said and Ken looked down as he put his hand on his chin and think

"A scent of bad aura but not hers?" Ken then looked at you "Have you met anyone else while you were waiting for us?" Ken asked you "Wait- Ken, I thought you watching her in the map?" The professor said as he looked at the rearview mirror "Ah! I didn't looked at it the whole time... Sorry professor..." Ken apologized "Well.. I can't really blame you.
But (Y/N), did anything bad- Er.. have you met anyone while waiting?"
The professor said as he looked back at the road "Err... I met three boys who all wear jackets with belts? On their necks? There's a ginger haired guy who's name appears to be 'brick' and then I don't know the other two's names but I remember their appearances. One have dark hair who have green eyes and wears all green. Then there's a blonde guy with blue eyes who wears all blue... The guy named brick sorta got near me so I suppose that's how some of his scent got into me... But the blonde guy said something about some people chasing after them and ran before those what they call "poops" catch up to them..." You finished your sentence and just about when Ken was about to speak there's a sudden ringing sound

"That must be the girls, Ken answer" professor utonium said and ken nods and clicked a button then the famous three heroes showed up "Ken! Professor! I'm sorry, we couldn't catch up to those boys!" Blossom or rather momoko said with worried expression "Urgh! Those annoying boys! I hate them! They gave us a hard time!" Buttercup / Kaoru spoke with anger 'Wow, she look really pissed...'

"Alright girls, head to the laboratory right away" the professor ordered the girls "Wait- have you guys found (y/n) yet?" Blossom asked "Yes, we found her and we're heading to the lab. Now hurry as well and go" the professor said with serious tone in his voice "Yes, sir!" And with that, they hung up

* - Time skip - *

You are at the professor utonium's laboratory where you and the rest sit on the couch while ken is in the kitchen preparing snacks and drinks. Professor already asked some few questions about you and and it seems he too is already starting to trust you

"Wait, so you're saying that peach smelled a bad aura coming from (y/n) but it isn't hers?" Momoko asked as she sipped her juice "Yes... And it appears to be the villains you are after... However, I find it strange that she's left unhurt- Not that I wish for her to be hurt... It was just.... Unexpected" professor said as he put a hand on his chin and think deeply. "Perhaps (N/N) - Chan's looks made those boys not do any violence at her? Ah! But how come they mistreat us?? Aren't we adorable as well???" Miyako whined and little tears start to form at the edge of her eyes "pfft- miyako even if you are more adorable than (Y/N) here, it doesn't change the fact that we are heroes, they're enemies" kaoru told miyako as she ate one of the snacks Ken brought

"Professor, maybe we could watch a replay footage?" Ken suggested as he took a sip of his drink "Brilliant idea Ken" the professor said as he stood up and walked over the monitors and start clicking buttons and sat on the couch again as the replay footage video in the monitor starts

"Oh! How cute! (N/N) - Chan's petting a cute little kitty" miyako said and everyone took a confused glance at her and focused on the monitor again. The monitor showed the three boys running in the camera's view
"Ken, please turn the volume louder" the professor asked, not keeping his eyes away from the monitor "yes professor" Ken followed

Miyako did a loud gasp as the monitor showed brick putting his arms around the (H/C) haired girl, Blush crept on (Y/N)'s cheeks as she watch the previous events "I knew it!" Miyako said as her eyes still fixed on the monitor. The monitor then showed the three boys leaving after their little conversation and soon a familiar white vehicle showed in the camera's view. The professor paused the video and Momoko stumped and groaned "HMMM! HOW COME WE WERE TREATED HORRIBLY BY THOSE BOYS BUT THEY TREATED (Y/N) LIKE- AHHH! Am I not pretty enough???" Momoko starts to tear up

"Ew momoko, those boys were horrible and you wish to be treated GOOD by them??? You insane?" Kaoru asked momoko with a rather disbelief look on her face "Girls, this is no time to be fighting! And kaoru have a point, why in the world would you even wanna be treated with respect by those boys?" The professor asked as he face the three girls while mostly giving momoko and Miyako a look "You heard professor you two, now stop fantasizing them treating you like a princess" kaoru pointed out and chugged down her drink until all of it ran out "Listen girls, you are breath taking on your own way but you have to learn to not count on bad boys... Or any boys! You girls are too young for love- OHH! Heartbreak!" The professor said dramatically as he hold one hand at his chest while the other lay on his forehead

"And there he goes" momoko said rolling her eyes "Whatever, professor we have to go now, bye bye" momoko said as she stood up finishing her snacks "Speaking of home, if I remember correctly teacher gave us a project and our grade depends on it and the deadline is next monday" You told them and took a sip of your drink and the three of them exchange a look with a raised brow "Next Monday? It's friday today" Ken spoke while holding his oolong tea "WHAT?!" momoko beamed "(Y/N), WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US EARLIER???" kaoru yelled-asked starting to panic then all three of them exchange a horrified look on their faces "Oh no! We've been ditching class so many times we don't even know we have a project!" Miyako said with worry in her tone "Calm down guys, It's not that kind of project that you need a week to finish. I'm sure you'll finish the project before Monday if you work yourself out without any breaks... Haha I'm just kidding, breaks are important" you told them calmly knowing that you already started yours and almost at the half part "Easy for you to say (Y/N) but we still have our duties as heroes" momoko reminded you as she sighed "I still haven't explained what our project is about" you pointed out with sass in your tone "Then tell us!!!" Momoko pleaded desperately

* - Time skip - *

It's already night time and you're in your room looking at the stars from the balcony after some good 3 hours of playing videogames. You turned on your phone and looked at the time and it's 7:58 pm already when you suddenly felt a hot blow on your neck "Hey babe" spoke in a rather raspy voice close to your ear "AH!" You yelped in shock, You turned around to take a look at the person

A guy with a familar red cap whom wore it backward with ginger hair and matching red eyes with band-aid on the right cheek... He smirked mischievously as he made eye contact with the (H/C) female...

"Lonely tonight, aren't we babe?"

E n d  o f  t h e  c h a p t e r . . .


Whoop! Finished editing this!
Also truth to be told, I... Still have no idea what should chapter 17 should be about, I still haven't collected enough data/ideas for what that chapter should be :')
Hopefully I'll come up with something soon enough

Word Count

Updated and corrected
February 18th 2:55 pm

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