Chapter 6 |Unconsciously found|

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        It's afternoon Saturday and you are halfway on finishing the project your school has ordered every students to do when your phone rang

   You looked at who the caller may be and turns out it's the adorable miyako gotokuji. You pressed answer on your caller and picked up the phone and miyako's smiling face shows on the screen "(N/N) - chan! Nice to see you, how are you doing this weekend?" Miyako cheerfully greeted you "I'm alright, how about you? I'm just working on my project" you told miyako and her eyes lit up "Oooh! Can I see??? Pleaaase!!!" Miyako pleaded and her eyes turn cuter than before
' I'd show her but is she done with her project? I have to resist her eyes for quite a while ' 

  "Nnnnnope! Show me yours first! Hahaha!" You teased miyako and she did a cute pout "ughhh! (N/N) - chaaaaan! I really wanna see your work though..." She sigh in disappointment. Even though it's just been almost a month since you became friends with kaoru and miyako, they found out this one personality you have. You're stubborn if your mind is set on a decision and you can't be tricked no matter what they may scheme "Are you really sure you don't wanna show me, (N/N) - chan? What if I do something for you?" Miyako asked as she lean closer to her laptop

      The truth is... Miyako's project was not close to half done and she wanted to see if she could see other's works for... Inspiration and she knew well that (Y/N) is stubborn like how a cat refuses to take their bath and yet she hoped to atleast somehow convince (Y/N)

   (Y/N) spoke at the other side of the screen and said "Hmm... Pay for my lunch for 2 weeks?" (Y/N) suggested and miyako widened her eyes in shock and disbelief "(N/N) - chan, you're cruel!" Miyako said as she starts to tear up. She sniffs as she wiped the forming years on her eyes "(N/N) - chan... The truth is... I'm not quite sure how to do the project and I thought if I see other's works, I'd get it" miyako spoke as she look down "Psh! Miyako, you should've just said that! Want me to come over at your place and help you with your project?" You suggested and miyako's eyes lit up as soon as she heard your suggestion "Really (N/N) - chan??? You'd help me? You're so sweet!!! Alright, I'll pay for your lunch for 3 weeks!" Miyako said as she showed you her hand that have 3 fingers standing up and 2 closed

     Miyako's eyes are sparkling due to the thought of having a friend over and someone actually helping her with the school project "Alright, when will you come over then, (N/N) - chan?" Miyako asked you, tilting her head "Give me an hour and I'll just show up at your house! For now, later then!" You waved at the screen and so did miyako "Alright, see you later then, (N/N) - chan!" Miyako said as she turned off the call and you head to the bathroom and start fixing yourself and get ready to visit miyako.


        My face formed a frown as I look at brick ' There's really something off about him... ' I thought to myself as I remember last night

  F l a s h b a c k ~

      I quietly groaned when I felt something crawling on my leg. I opened my eyes and saw a stupid cockroach crawling around my thigh

  I frown at it then threw it at the wall so hard it got squished, then I close my eyes again... But then I heard a voice "(Y/N)..." I look at who said that and saw brick sitting on the floor and his back facing me "So her name's (Y/N), huh?" He paused for a bit then took off his hat and pushed his hair back "Looks like you'll put me in some big trouble, (Y/N)~" he said then finally laid down on the floor facing the roof and drifted to sleep

I sat up after confirming he's actually asleep and walked over to him and frown as I look down on him "Just what are you up to, brick?" I quietly said then went back to my position and sleep

 * * *

   "And here after 5 minutes, you boys will also attack! How does it sound? Brilliant, isn't?" Mojo asked everyone as he hold a stick and pointing at his horrible drawing of the plan and brick looked at him with bored eyes while boomer is dozing off "WILL YOU BOYS EVER LEARN TO LISTEN? I'M YOUR CREATOR! I CREATED YOU THREE! AND WITHOUT ME, YOU WON'T BE HERE!" Mojo yelled at everyone and boomer fell off the worn off couch all because of Mojo's outburst.

  Boomer slammed his hand at the coffee table and this made mojo startled "WHAT THE HELL, YOU DAMN MONKEY?! I WAS DOZING OFF AND YOU INTERRUPTED MY GOD DAMN SLEEP!!!" Boomer yelled at mojo and this made mojo nervous and scared "Yeah! Go get him, boomer!" I yell at boomer cheering on him "Yeah! Show that monkey who's the boss!" Brick said while both of his feet are place on the coffee table "I- Children, I'm sorry for letting an outburst like that I-" mojo apologized and starts to tear up and brick stood up and kicked him, causing him to call on the floor "Come on boys, we can do better things than hang out with this stinky monkey" Brick said as he walked at the door and boomer kicked him and followed brick while I spit on him and followed them.

* - Time skip - *

The rowdy ruff boys are walking on some neighborhood and making slightly making a mess, like opening trash cans and puting it upside down to cause all the trash in it to fall and leaving it behind. There's not much people in this neighborhood which is boring "Hey brick, Le-" I turn to look at brick who was dumbfounded staring at the other day and his cheeks were red. I turn to look at where he is looking and my eyes widened... It's that girl from the other day who brick touched

She was walking and slightly swaying here and there as a wire is connected from a phone she's holding and onto her ears and then she turned a corner and disappears from our eyesight. I look at brick who's still looking like an idiot and blushing, I look at him with an annoyed look and then he look down and smiled.... My eyes widened as I realize what's happening on brick

'Oh my mojo... Brick is in love'

E n d  o f  t h e  c h a p t e r

❝𝕽𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕵𝖚𝖑𝖎𝖊𝖙❞Where stories live. Discover now