Chapter 22 |Deal with the devil|

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Heat filled the air. Of course, it's summer. Families planning on going on the beach, lovers and friends planning how'd they spend their summer...

While poor (Y/N) spent the first day of her summer coped up in her room. She sighed for who knows how many times now as she looked from her balcony. It's been two weeks already and her ginger haired lover still hasn't shown any sign of showing up. Her heart filled with despair, she continue to become weaker each day. Each day she lose hope, but that little hunch of light kept her going.

"Brick..." Her voiced tired, she called out. Her already red eyes from crying still manage to cry out a tear. The tear gradually rolled down her cheeks till it soon fall down the floor "My poor dear (Y/N)..." A sinister yet sweet voice spoke. Her (E/C) eyes widen, startled she nearly fell off the chair as she quickly turn around from where the voice came from. There was nothing

"Surprised, aren't we?" The unknown voice said and released a sinister laugh. Soon enough, black particles danced along with the wind and soon formed into an unknown being, Human yet not. It's strange claw like hands lay itself on (Y/N)'s shoulder as it's head landed on her ear "Who are you?" She asked so cautiously "AHAHAHAHAHA!" The mysterious black particles circled in front of (Y/N) and soon formed into a curious joker.

It grin from ear to ear as it stood tall in front of the (H/C) haired female "Greetings, My name is ... but many would rather call me him as my name is rather too terrifying" it paused before putting one hand in front of it's stomach while the other on the back, it bowed "Pleased to meet you my adorable little (Y/N)" it said, it's smile not moving. (Y/N) frowned as just this creature's arrival made her question many things such as how did him know her name or as to why has he appeared before her.

The only answer within her grasp is, her heart tremble so upon hearing that name, She braced herself and asked "W-Why have you appeared before me? A-And what are you???" She asked while her body trembles from both fear and lack of nutrition "I have appeared before you to grant you a wish!" Him said and (Y/N) raised a brow at this statement. Little particles appeared in his red crab-like claw hands and merged into silhouettes "I can grant you any wish you ask... Be it money, power or perhaps... Freedom. I can grant you any wish you ask, in exchange..." The joker raised (Y/N)'s chin as his green eyes stared deep into her (E/C) ones, Him's grin grew wider as he said

"For your body..."

(Y/N) pulled herself back and gave the strange creature a fierce glare "How am I supposed to believe you? I don't even know what you are!" Him sigh and flick his finger and in an instant, the black particles formed into a circle and soon showed an image of brick– no, a portal perhaps. The red head boy was looking weary and his eyes are red. In a second, (Y/N)'s eyes lit up as she stepped closer to the strange portal

Her heart ached yet felt relief for at long last, she finally saw her lover. She paused and frowned. She turned to the strange clown "Let me see brick. That's my wish" (Y/N) extend her hand out as she look at the clown with a determined face. Him's grin grew wider as he placed his hands on top of (Y/N)'s soft ones as he said "Your wish is my command" as soon as he said that, black particles surrounded both of them and soon enough both of them disappeared in thin air


   (Y/N) felt her feet up in the air, no ground was nearby, she had carefully looked around her surroundings and saw. She is floating in mid air, lines of black particles circle around her. She felt her jaw drop as she saw she is outside the professor's laboratory. What caught her attention the most is the sulking boy in the building, She felt her heart throb "BRICK! BRICK!" She called out with a smile, yet... Her call was unheard. (Y/N)'s brows knotted "Why can't he hear me?" She asked herself, tears welling up in her eyes "Brick! Please! I'm here!" She cried out "PLEASE NOTICE ME!" She was unheard "BRICK!!!" She shouted, Yet– She was unheard.

  A sinister smile found its way onto him's lips as he stepped behind the suffering (Y/N) "You have asked me to grant you a wish to see him, not to be with him. And as per our deal... I will have your body" (Y/N) eyes widen and soon enough tears streamed down her cheeks. Him laughed and laughed as black particles slowly rise as it circle around (Y/N)

  Fear, Anguish and regret filled up her little heart as the monster behind her continue to laugh. She was regretting all this, she knew she shouldn't have made this stupid deal from the start yet she did so anyway. She blamed her emotions, she blamed her feelings for this, she blamed herself for letting her emotions get the best of her, She's blaming it all onto herself.

Soon enough, black particles have rise and rise, and that's when she realized "Brick... I'm sorry" she whispered

"It seems I have made a deal with the devil"


      My eyes widened as I turn my gaze outside the window, There was nothing there.

I frowned "Why did it feel like someone is calling for me?" I stood up and look outside. I shake my head as I dismiss the thought "Probably just my imagination" I sigh and walk outside my room


    "It seems our (Y/N) has finally found a lover... Yet she didn't tell us" (M/N) sighed "This is the first time (Y/N) had rebelled against us this much... Just what have that boy done to her?"

  (F/N) commented as he frown his brows "But dear, it has already been two weeks since she coped herself up in her room. She hasn't even eaten! Perhaps we should lift the ban now, otherwise- she will die of starvation at this point!" (M/N) said, trying to convince her husband "That is true... But what should we do about the boy? He's too... Dangerous!" (F/N) clenched his fist as he stared down in anger.

(M/N) gently placed a hand on her husband's arm "Dear, our daughter is growing up. Perhaps we should let her be, I'm more worried about her health at this point" the mother said with pleading eyes "It's her fa-" (M/N) stood up, angry "DO YOU WANT TO LOSE OUR ONLY DAUGHTER?!" (M/N) said in rage "I-... Ofcourse not honey, let's go" (F/N) chuckled nervously as he guided his wife to their daughter's room. (M/N) smiled "Thank you for understanding, dear" A sweat streamed down (F/N)'s temple "Ofcourse, Anything for you love" he replied.

(M/N) knocked on her daughter's room. Nothing, she knocked again
"(Y/N)? May we come in please?" (M/N) asked

  Yet again, there was no answer. She sighed as she open the door "(Y/N)? Me and your father have something to tell you..." (M/N) reached for the light switch in the walls and flipped it on. Brightness filled the gloomy room yet the (H/C) haired girl was nowhere to be found. (M/N)'s eyes widened


T o  b e  c o n t i n u e d . . .


Ah finally finished!
Wow (M/N) had a change of heart here, ig this is what they call mother's love? Haha.
Also, I have updated the info chapter
(M/N) is for mother name and (F/N) is for father name
See you in next chapter ig

Word count

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