Chapter 1 |New friends|

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    "Ughhhhh! Mondays" you groaned as your alarm went off. You get yourself ready for the day and ate your breakfast then entered the shower and brushed your teeth. You put on your clothes and grabbed your bag and bid your mother goodbye "Mom! I'm off!" You called after you put on your shoes and opened the door "alright, have fun at school! And don't forget your bento honey!" Your mother reminded you "It's already in my bag, Kay bye!" You said and made your way to school.

You were having a peaceful and quiet walk on your way to school until a certain someone interrupted that silence "(Y/N)-chaaaaan! Heyyyy!" Ah it's your childhood friend momoko

"Ah, hey Momoko" you smiled and turned around to face her "(Y/N)! Today is our very first day of school, Iyaaa! I wonder how many friends will I make? Ooh! I wonder if there will be cute boys in our class? Ahh~ can't wait to meet them!" Momoko said and her eyes turned heart-like shape as she started squirming with her hands folded together "Momoko, you're getting your hopes up" You told momoko and sighed at her usual energetic behaviour, well not that you find it a bother "Oh come on! I know you're not a morning person but if you continue on going like that, you'll never get a lover, come on! Cheer up!" She said and pumped her fist in the air "Says the person who keep getting rejected" you muttered

"Hey! I heard that!" Momoko pouted "Anyways...oh! hey, Miyako-chan is surrounded by boys again" you said and pointed towards miyako's direction "Seriously she's always surrounded by her fans- Just you watch miyako, (Y/N)! Soon I will also have my own admirers and they will even make a fan club for me! Hehehehee~" Momoko said and drooled like a creep as she imagine herself as the popular one

You her flicked her forehead "ITAI!" Momoko whined and immediately hold her forehead "(Y/N)-chan! I'm not popular so atleast let me day dream about it!" Momoko complained as small tears formed at the corner of her eyes

( Itai = painful )

"Uh-huh, day dream when you're not in the middle of the street" you told Momoko and pointed behind her. She turned her head around and noticed there's already a small line of people frowning towards her direction "Ah! Gomen'nasai!" Momoko apologize as she stepped aside and they all moved forward while complaining

( Gomen'nasai = Sorry )

"Anywho...let's hurry or else we're gonna be late in our first day of school" You reminded her and momoko nodded as you both entered the school gates.

     You and momoko entered the classroom and saw most of your classmate is already friendly with each other "Ah, they're already friendly with eachother" You sighed and sat next by the window "hey, (Y/N)-san! Why do you always sit nearby the window? It's been 3 years now since you started doing that" Momoko asked while she sat next to you "*Sigh* You normie, anime protagonist always sit next to a window in class" You said and put your elbow on the desk and lay your head on your hand "Ah I almost forgot you're an otaku" She said with an expressionless face "tch" you scoffed "(Y/N), back or front?" Momoko suddenly asked "Eh? You're not gonna sit next to me?" You asked her worried "Ugh, fine...front" You answered with a pout. Momoko stood up and sat in the empty seat in front of you "Hmm-hm-hm!~ Now I feel like an anime protagonist ahahaha!" Momoko laughed with a little sarcasm, you giggled in response

"Hey (Y/N)-chan, What if something unexplained happened and there's problem everywhere...Which one would you rather be? Would you be the citizen or the hero?" She asked while looking outside the window "hm?" You grinned towards her direction "The citizen duh, being a hero is too much work" you answered with a bored expression "Pfft- HA! That's rich coming from the self claimed protagonist!" She laughed. You snap your head towards her direction "Well bet you choose to be the hero huh?" You pouted and she turned her head towards you with her eyes shining and a huge smile on her face. You sighed and soon the teacher entered the classroom and class started
  3 W e e k s  p a s s e d  b y ~

"...!" Your eyes shot wide open at the sound of your alarm. You groaned and  smacked your alarm "Damn mondays" you frowned and head to your bathroom to do your morning routine. It's been 3 weeks now since school started and you've grown familiar with your classmates and Momoko already had already made atleast 3 friends, you sighed ' Everyone in class has already made their own group of friend while I'm still the loner of the class... ' You thought to yourself took another sigh.

On your way to school, you stopped at your tracks and raised a brow "Strange, momoko would normally disturb my morning by shouting... Did she overslept?" You asked yourself and continue walking

  A n o t h e r  w e e k  p a s s e d  b y ~

"Oka-san! I'm off!" You told your mother, it's already wednesday and it's been already some few months since first day of school "Alright, have fun honey!" Your mother responded and you closed your door. You started walking your way to school but then you saw momoko with two people. A blonde girl who have her hair tied in pigtails and a bo.... A girl? With a tomboy outfit whom also have her skateboard beside her and there's momoko. Momoko noticed you and waved her hand towards you " (Y/N) - Chan! Hey!" She called you then ran towards you "Hey! Meet my new friends! This is gotokuji miyako San" she points at the blonde one "And that's matsubasa kaoru San!" Momoko pointed at the person with a tomboy outfit ' Mm, I think kaoru-san is a girl' you nodded at the thought "yo" kaoru waved at you with a smile "Ah, Hello" You waved at them both "Momoko, How did you manage to make friends with them?" You asked momoko with a curious stare. Panic was obvious in momoko's face and the oh so popular miyako answered for you "W-Well the other week at the hospital I met momoko-san here when my grandmother have to do her monthly check up. Her sister caught a fever at the time and we were both at the waiting seat and then momoko strike up a conversation with me and we pretty much got along and then soon we saw kaoru by the vending machine and made friends with her " Miyako explained to you with a nervous smile and she looked at kaoru and momoko and they both nodded "Wow momoko, I didn't thought just because you saw someone you'd suddenly make friends with them" You told Momoko in an expressionless way and kaoru stepped in "A-Ah no- well sorta but- *Sigh* I was at the vending machine to buying bunch of energy drinks for me and the fam and these two looked at me weirdly and then I said What?! And then they were like Are you gonna drink those all by yourself? Geez what a stupid question... Then I answered of course not! Then we had a conversation then I guess we're... Friends now" kaoru explained and looked to the side with blush on her cheeks. Judging by how nervous they seem and by the lack of confidence, you could tell they're lying but you ignored that and replied with "I see... Well, I haven't introduced myself have I? Greetings, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I'm momoko's childhood friend, it's nice to meet you lot" You introduced yourself to kaoru and miyako and bowed your head towards them "Ah~ what a nice name! Well I hope you don't mind if I call you (N/N) - Chan! Nice to meet you (N/N) - Chan!" Miyako told you while shaking hands with you "Not at all, it's nice to have a conversation with you too miyako-san" you smiled as you shake her hand "Well I'll just call you (Y/N), hope you don't mind if I call you by your first name do you?" Kaoru asked with a grin on her face "Ah not at all!" You smiled at kaoru "Well what're we waiting for folks? Let's go we have a class to attend" kaoru said and started walking as you, momoko and miyako followed. You smiled and thought

' What interesting new fellas, I wonder how things will turn out from now on..... '


E n d  o f  t h e  c h a p t e r


Hello! Thanks for reading the story, I hope you don't mind that red head haven't appeared in the 1st chapter yet. This was updated and corrected between February 4th and 5th, finished at 1:38 am, yes I wrote wattpad stories at midnight. I try my best not to butt in an A/N (Author's note) while writing my story so expect most of my A/N only appearing by the very end of the chapter.

Word count

Updated and corrected
February 5th 1:38 am

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