Chapter 16 |Date|

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"So you're saying that it wasn't an act?" (Y/N) asked brick who is currently laying on top of her in her bed and is listening to her heartbeat "Nope...well, maybe half of it was an act" he replied

"What do you mean maybe?" She asked looking at him and brick chuckles "Babe, do you have school tommorow?" Brick asked looking up at her but not moving his head "Yeah, why?" (Y/N) answered and asked in curiosity "Damn, I wanna spend all day tommorow with you... Can't you just like... Not go for tommorow?" Brick asked pouting "Hm... Maybe if there isn't a test or quiz or anything like that for tommorow, then I can take the day off" Brick eyes lit up and he immediately sprung up and he look at (Y/N) with gleaming eyes "Then you can take the day off, right?" Brick asked grinning "hmmm I dunno..." (Y/N) mentally smirked and teased brick "Come oooon, let's go on a date!" (Y/N) cheeks turned red at brick's suggestion "D-Date? Since when did you took interest in dates?" (Y/N) asked with laughter and embarrassed tone "Just recently when I started dating you babe, I remember seeing bunch of couples having a dayet back when I was ruining things with my br-..." Brick stopped what he was saying when the he remembered his so called brothers and looked to the side with a frown

Worried, (Y/N) gently placed her hand on brick's cheek and turn his head to her "If we- A supposed to be villain and a mere teenager living a normal life became a couple, then it's not really fanciful to think that your brothers could one day also live in peace like us" (Y/N) told brick with a reassuring smile, brick smiled back and hold her hand too and kissed her palm "You're right, we sure got long way to go"

* - Time skip - *

It is now morning and (Y/N) told her parents that she would like a day off from school today "What? Why? Are you not feeling okay?" (Y/N) mother asked her with worry "No, no... It's not like that but there isn't anything important happening at school today and my classmates would most likely just laze around the entire day soo..."

(Y/N)'s father stood up and eyed his daughter curiously "What exactly is it that make you want to be absent for school today?" The father asked "I-... I wanna visit a friend online and it's my first time meeting them in person so..." The mother sighed and smiled "Well, I guess you could take a day off for now. You've been busy with school lately, I suppose you can go and have some fun" Your mother said and pat your head "Really?! Thank you mom!" You thanked your mom before going upstairs to change clothes


I sighed when with worry when it was already lunchtime and my friend (Y/N) still wasn't here, I look at her empty seat "I wonder why is (Y/N)-chan absent today... She didn't got sick did she" miyako said beside me holding her bento "I know, it's pretty unusual for her to take off classes..." I replied to miyako, then kaoru with her usual standing post said "She didn't took the day off just to hang out with that brick, did she?" Both me and miyako's face turned red

"WHAT?! NONONONONO- NO WAY!" panicked I yell on top of my lungs that almost the whole school can hear "S-S-S-She's just sick! Y-Yeah! T-There's no way she'd take the day off for a d-dumb DATE" miyako denies while stuttering, her face is also blushing. Kaoru put a hand on her forehead "Let's just go at (Y/N)'s house after school"

* - Time skip - *

"(Y/N)? No she told us she's gonna meet a friend today" (Y/N)'s mother said and the three girl's face turned pale "Didn't your teacher told?" The mother asked the three girls and they took a quick glance at eachother and blossom stood up and scratch the back of her head "Ah! Haha... Mrs. (L/N) maybe we weren't there when the teacher announce (Y/N) - chan's absence" kaoru and miyako stood up as well to agree "Well, we're gonna get going now, thank you Mrs. (L/N)!" Momoko said and all three of them bid goodbye and left


As momoko, miyako and kaoru left (L/N)'s residence, Meanwhile (Y/N) and brick are having a fun time having each other's company "So uhhh- what do you wanna eat?" Surprisingly, brick seemed a little nervous as he hold his date's hand, (Y/N) smiled "Wait- Brick are you seriously nervous right now?" She said with a giggle and brick put a nervous smile "Not at all! I just uhh... What do people do in ' dates '?" Brick asked while scratching the back of his head. (Y/N) let out a laugh "Pfft- PAHAHAHAHAHA! Hehe, really? When YOU'RE the one who asked me out on a date? Pfft- Hehehe" Brick's face turned tomato red "Y-You wanna be in a Real date?! I'll feed you as much as you want, Babe!" (y/n) chuckle at his response and decided to take the lead "Well, if you don't mind~" She said and pull brick

"... A food place?" Brick asked in confusion "Mhm! A restaurant" (Y/N) said and continue pulling brick and finally sat on a table. Luckily, brick is on a disguised right now so no one would panic when they see him, right now, he's just a normal teenage boy who's going on a date for the first time.

The waiter gave their table a menu to choose on "Brick don't pick something too pricey" (Y/N) said before opening her menu "Oh don't worry, While you're at shower I got us some rich man's credit card" Brick said and showed the credit card between his fingers. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she slammed the table as she stood up and exclaimed "WHAT?!" All eyes turned at their table and her cheeks turn pink and she sat down again slowly and spoke on a whisper "Brick, why and where did you steal that??" Brick leaned on her and reply in a whisper as well "I didn't steal it, I just borrowed it from old man" brick replied with a giggle "You mean the professor? Oh god... He's gonna freak out when he found out..." (Y/N) sighed and took out her phone and decided to call the professor "Wait a bit brick, Be right back" she said without waiting for Brick's response and opened the entrance doors and soon the dialing stopped and- "(Y/N)?!? (Y/N) IS BRICK WITH YOU???" The professor answered in panic "Ah- Professor, calm down. Yes he is, what's up?" (Y/N) replied "He- You- He- He didn't use my credit card yet did he????" Professor asked still in panic and (Y/N) replied with a nervous tone "N-Not yet... So you knew that brick took your credit card then, professor?" (Y/N) asked "He crashed through my window and immediately stole my credit card as I was gonna buy oranges through online and said Hey old man, I'm gonna have to borrow your card for a bit, bye and left with my precious- credit card!" The professor continued crying and took a deep breath and sighed "(Y/N) Dear, what is brick about to do with my card?" The panicked professor asked more calmly "Well, he's about to spend it some food since... We're kinda on a date right now..." The professor took a moment of silence for replying "Heh? I apologise dear, what was that?"

"I said we're. on. a. d-a-t-e" (Y/N) repeated herself, slightly annoyed "WHAT?!?! Y-You're too young for d-dates, Where are you two? What place are you two planning to do next? Where are you two gonna go next? Wh-" "Huh? Chhhk Chhhk Professor you're- Chhhk Chhhk I can't hear what you're- Chhhk Chh-" (Y/N) turned off the call and went back inside the restaurant.

She sighed "Geez, it's not the 90's anymore professor..." She muttered under her breath before going back to her's and Brick's table.

E n d  o f  t h e  c h a p t e r . . .

❝𝕽𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕵𝖚𝖑𝖎𝖊𝖙❞Where stories live. Discover now