Chapter 5 |Trouble|

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(Y/N)'S P.O.V

"Lonely tonight, aren't we babe?"
You looked at the person who just spoke eye to eye and your eyes widened when you identified who it is
"You... If I remember correctly, you're brick aren't you?" You asked with little hesitation as you raised a brow
"Sweet, you remember my name" said the guy Brick as he put up a grin at you "So... Why are you here?" You asked curiously as you wait for your body to unfroze from fear and knowing the fact that this boy is a villain

'I have to do something... Maybe call professor but I don't know how to get out of this situation when my body's frozen from fear!' you thought to yourself as a pair of arms made their way to wrap themselves at your waste as you heard a chuckle from brick "I see fear in your eyes, sweetheart... Why so afraid?" Brick said as he pulled you closer easily "Don't worry babe, I don't bite~... Unless if you want me to~" he said as his face got closer to you

Your freezing body seconds ago is now melting from embarrassment all because of brick's doing. You felt your feet leave the ground as you found yourself being carried in a bridal style. You did a yelp and brick looked at you "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt ya" he said as he carried you back to your room and put you down gently into the chair that is facing your bed

"Then... Why are you here?" You looked up at him as he stand in front of you with slight worry in your eyes "Dunno, I was just wondering around then I saw you then I remembered you then I thought I'd come for a visit" he simply said then sat on your bed facing you "Visit? But... Why me? I mean... Yes we met back at the park but... I don't think you'd remember me" you said as you look down. You heard a sigh from brick and you looked at him "The sweet event only happened earlier, my mind's sharp enough to remember events that happened even if it's weeks ago" he told you "I- I know but why mind it?" You asked him as he stares at you "You really wanna know, babe?" Cold sweat rolled down your face as your heart thumps while he looked at you with flirtatious eyes and his lips formed a smirk. He stood up and went and bent down at you "Wait- what are you doing?" You slightly panicked as he carried you close to him and sat on the bed again and made you sit on his lap facing him

That triggers it. Your heart is now throbbing fast and you feel your cheeks turn hotter than before. His arms that are wrapped around you while carrying you just few moments ago pulled you closer to him and he spoke "I don't know babe, Ask yourself why am I feeling this way. As if I want you close to me all the time..." He told you as he look at you with desire in his eyes. His arms unwrapped you and he place both his hands to your cheeks "I'm also curious how does this cute face turn a bad boy like me into
... this"

You were speechless by his actions, your cheeks are red like tomato, your lips are trembling, your whole body feels like melting, your heart is rapidly throbbing all because of this one boy... This boy who you were terrified at just minutes ago. Before you knew it, you heard a loud knocking at your door
"(Y/N)! Dinner's ready! Stop playing your videogames and come eat" your mother spoke from the other side of the door, luckily enough you always lock your door so your mother wouldn't find you in this position you're in right now "Looks like my times up, I'll see you soon babe~" brick said as he gave you a quick peck on the lips and carried you again as he stood up and quickly but gently put you down on your bed again as he went away from your balcony. You looked at where he left with wide eyes as you still feel your cheeks red from the sudden events "(Y/N)! Hurry up and come down now! Or we're eating up all the ice cream" your mother reminded you again "I'll be there in a minute!" You told her then you hear your mother walk away.

You sat on your bed dumbfounded, cheeks still blushing as your first kiss was just stolen by a bad guy... A villain in fact, you trace your lips remembering his kiss just moments ago 'Now I'm not sure whether to tell professor about this or what' you thought to yourself as you went to your bathroom and looked at your mirror and tried to calm yourself down to remove those blushes off your cheeks

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