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The ombre boy finally exited out of his history class relieved as he was finally going to have lunch break after all the hard work.

Where is Luke?.. Zander skimmed and walked around- looking at the crowd of students who exited out of their classrooms to go to the cafeteria to get their lunches. The purple haired boy sighed, his backpack getting heavy and a pile of books piling up making his day go even worse.

I hate school..

As Zander finally went into the cafeteria, he spotted his auburn boyfriend sitting right next to a certain aqua haired girl. They were talking and smiling at each other- which did make the ombre haired boy's tummy boil into jealousy. But, it was his sister so he shook that crazy feeling off his chest and walked to them.

"Hey, Luke. Hey, Hailey," Zander greeted, trying to smile. The pair both look at Zander wide eyed.

"O-oh! Hey Zander! Wassup?!" Luke smiled awkwardly, waving at Zander casually.


Zander raised a brow at his boyfriend. He never said those words before. Normally a kiss on the cheek or a hug. "I'm fine?" Zander stated, his pupils looking down. "What were you two talking about?"

"Oh, you know just music stuff about his baby drums right, Luke?" Hailey awkwardly smiled at her friend, elbowing him and giggling. Luke chuckled with her and gave a quick wrap around the neck. "Oh, and look at that- we're done. Let's go." Hailey something to Luke's ear, but Zander couldn't hear it. Hailey then grabbed her tray and held Luke's hand and they both scurried their way off to their classes, leaving the purple haired boy speechless and confused. He didn't want to say anything (considering how the two had been very close ever since the past 3 weeks). Even though Luke and Zander's relationship anniversary is in 7 days..

Is Luke.. chea-- Zander shook his head violently. Why would I think that..? He'd never do that.. then he shot his eye up to the ceiling and thought deep into himself again. Or is he..?

Zander got his tomato salad and his brain ached from all his thoughts rummaging through his mind. Do you ever feel like you want to get something out of your head and you felt like it did- but after a while it's still there? It can happen for a week. Months even, and it just makes you sick. That's what Zander was feeling right now.

"Zander, where's Luke?"

Zander turned his head up to see a blonde peachy haired boy with his usual favorite blue colored jacket (he got from the thrift store) on. It's the boy Zander didn't want to see: Jake.

"What do you want?" Zander asked coldly, taking a bite out of his salad.

"I'm just asking where Luke was, thank you so much for the kind greeting," Jake smiled weakly, then he sat at the corner where his male friend was sitting.

"Oh, he's just with..Hailey again, as usual.." Zander growled under his breath, and tried not to let his peachy friend see. Only, it was obvious.

"You're jealous aren't you," Jake didn't hesitate saying that word. His frenemy glared at him and in a loud voice Zander yelled:

"I'm not jealous!"

The students right next to the pair stared at the two suspiciously, they all turned quiet but after a while they continued their chit-chat. Zander coughed and breathed heavily, trying not to let anybody notice him or this simp with him at all. Jake, however smirked. He whispered, "Maybe I can help you.."

"You help me?!" The boy scoffed," You'll just mess my whole life up, Jake! Besides, I don't need your help with love. I am perfectly capable of handling the situation all on my own," Zander crossed his arms and huffed.

The blonde rested his hand on his chin. "Are you sure? Hey, don't think I forgot about this week." Zander stared at him cluelessly. "It's your first year anniversary week! And, Luke obviously forgot or.. maybe he's just gone out of his mind to hang out with Hailey instead of you."

The ombre boy hung his head and ate another piece of his salad. He clung tightly to his purple blazer, "You.." he started. "You don't think he's cheating on me with my own sister, do you?"

Jake scoffed. "Of course not, Luke is not the type to do that,"then he thought out loud, "But..he's also not the type to not talk to you-"

"Alright fine!"

"Fine what?" Jake smirked.

"I'll let you help me but, only for the sake of me and Luke's relationship!" Zander put his salad away, there were still a lot of leftovers, but he didn't care. Once his lunch was inside his box, he looked at Jake with tense eyes, "And if you ruin anything, I won't hesitate to call Milly and let her punch you hard, straight in the face, you got that?"

Jake hesitantly nodded his head. A threat his friend made made him more nervous about helping the unsatisfied purple boy. But, since he had absolutely nothing to do, the best he could think of was to help a "friend" in need. (Even though they are one of your closest ones to humiliating you.)

"And, if I do make progress in your 'love life'" Jake held up two peace signs, making air quotations with his fingers. "You'll be nice to me for a week. That means no name calling, no threats, and no punches from Milly." The blonde evil grinned.

"Deal.." Zander mumbled-but it sounded like a weird growl. "Now how do you expect to help me?"

"I'll give you love advice everyday starting tomorrow, leading up to your anniversary. You just need to give a perfect gift to Luke." Jake thought deeply.

"Are you sure about this?" Zander shook, holding his backpack like a stuffed toy.

"Yeah, I mean, I've done this before with my jomies," Jake smirked. The ombre boy looked at his frenemy and gave a surprised yet satisfied look.

"Don't worry, Zander. Sooner or later, Luke will be dying to go out with you."

After 10000 months I finally wrote a new story!


You have no idea how long it took to make this storys book cover and title- ;w;

Soooo.. I was gonna make a story called "Trust Issues" but then I had this very amazing idea to publish this instead cuz Trust Issues has a lot of angst and I don't really think I can handle too many angst even though I read and watched too many of it these past months-*cough*
Im trying to make this more comedy-like but I feel like I'm already failing- XD

I'm gonna make this story more comfortable for me so I know I don't have to worry about things

My goal for this story is 10 chapters long (not that long or short). And I'll publish parts every Monday OR Saturday. 0w^

I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in Chapter 1!

(P.S: Are you excited for episode 6-? For people after episode 6- I hope in the future you enjoyed it! XD Aaaaah-)

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