Chapter 3: Ignoring

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"Please turn to page 345 of your science text book please," the teacher Mrs. Jones comanded. Ever since last year she has been more independent and assertive. The students were really surprised at their teacher's improvement and listened to her dorms for the first time.

The students flipped pages through their text books, creating the sounds of paper floating around everywhere. The brown haired teacher giggled and put her hands on her hips. "For this lesson, you will be teamed up in pairs. I will assign the student you were paired up with..let's see.." Mrs. Jones went to her desk to find popsicle sticks from her period 2, 12th grade class. Normally, for the groups or when people don't raise their hands, she would pull out her sticks with the students name on it to call on them or group them up.

Meanwhile, the purple haired boy fidgeted with his pens and pencils. Desperately trying to avoid any trace of his boyfriend. He didn't want to do it, but in the same time, he didn't really have a choice. The only thing he could have on this mind through this day was Luke. Luke and Jake.

He suddenly turned back to reality when the teacher called his name. "Luke and Alexzander. You will be a pair."

Zander quickly raised his hand. All the students turn to look at him, which made him self conscious. He didn't like that.. He shook his head and turned to the teacher. "Um..may I..please be with Jake instead?" The peach haired boy turn to Zander as he said his name, not paying attention to what was going on.

Zander didn't see his boyfriend's face but, Luke's smile faded. Knowing that his male friend would choose Jake over him made him feel sick inside. Luke looked down in defeat.

"No. People should be who they were assigned to. Thank you for asking politely, Alexzander." Mrs. Jones nodded. The class soon faced the teacher once more and continued assigning students pairs for the science project.

Once the teacher was done, the bell suddenly rang. The students all grabbed their backpacks and head to their next class. Luke skipped towards Zander and nudged his elbow. "Sweetie, why didn't you wanna partner up with me?"

"I'm gonna be late for english class. See you soon, Luke," completely ignoring the question, Zander dashed off to his next class- leaving his boyfriend standing in the crowded hallways- full of students.

The auburn boy sighed and when he turned to his right; a black haired girl with a dark pink eyes stared at him deeply. Luke gasped and took a frightened step back. He sighed of relief, knowing that it was just his classmate, "O-oh! Sadie, you scared me."

Ignoring the autumn boy's statement, the girl whispered in a deep voice. "Just talk to him..It's a misunderstanding.."

After a few seconds of staring, Luke finally nodded. He shook and tried to ease a smile at his female classmate. Unlike everyone, Sadie never changes. Still the same old scary, but nice student to be around with.

Just like that, the black haired girl walked away, going to her next class. Luke realized he needed to do the same. Completely confused and dazed out, he finally went to his math class.


After school, some of the students in school left to go home. Zander, however, needed to go to Music Club. It's been hard without Sean around to play music with-but fortunately, he always comes by Hailey's house to practice and to play with Zander's little sister, Bethany.

The purple haired boy sighed, knowing that his boyfriend would be there, it would be really hard to avoid him. Jake did tell him to speak to Luke, but unfortunately, Zander didn't want to.. yet.

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