Chapter 8: Distracting

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"Hey, er... Zander?"

The majenta haired boy snapped his fingers in front of his friend's face.

Zander snapped back into reality. The first thing he saw was Drew staring right at him-- which made the pianist scoot away. "What are you looking at?"

"You were just staring right into space- I had to get your attention 3 times. What's up, freak?"

Zander's expression changed- he shook his head and sighed. He rested his chin with his hands and looked down. "Sorry, my mind is just--" he layed his face down on the lunchroom table. "Agh..."

"That sounds...normal." Drew took a bite of his cheese sandwich. Once he swallowed it, he continued. "How so?"

"Everything just seems so... so... new! Is it because of Jake letting me talk to you?! You being friends with me? Me trusting almost everybody!?" Zander massaged his spinning head. He darted towards the three boys where Drew normally sat in. Henry and Liam. He can already tell Jake ran from the cafeteria to go to the music room. He imagined being in the music club, where he was supposed to be. But Zander told the others he was gonna stay with Drew at lunchtime, for just today. He continued with a sigh. "Those are good things, but why am I getting the feeling that something bad is gonna happen...?"

"What? You think I'm gonna bully you again?" Drew scoffed.

Zander turned to Drew and his eye widened. "What?! No!" Zander paused... "It's just Luke, that's all."

"Just Luke," Drew made a face, not believing a word Zander was saying. "Maybe you just need to get your mind off of him. Where'd you put the shopping bags we got days ago?"

"I hid all of them in my closet."

"Do you still want to give all those things to Luke?"

Zander's eye widened at the question. He thought for a minute. Now that his enemy was his friend, there was no choice of being too rude. "I guess not. Luke is not really the type to like clothes."

"Do you wanna have them?"

"Excuse me?"

"If you don't want them, it's fine. I-I can give them away," Drew chuckled nervously. He felt sweat dripping from his forehead. Thinking deeply to himself, he did want Zander to keep all those clothes for himself.

"But, you worked so hard for them."

"I know." Drew mumbled. "I was thinking of you and not Luke when I got them..."


"Nothing!" The majenta haired boy's cheeks turned a dark shade of red. "If you wanna give them away, it's fine. But, in all honestly, I would prefer if you keep them. I only want you to know that those were a gift from me."

Zander put his arms together. His cheeks turned red. Is Drew actually passionate about this 'friend' thing? Why is he saying all of this now? The purple haired boy shook his head. "If you really want me to keep it...Then sure."

Drew's eyes lit up. "You mean it?"

Zander smiled lightly. "I mean, sure."

Drew suddenly changed his expression when he realized one thing. "So, if you're not gonna give those clothes to Luke, what are you gonna give him?"

There was a sudden light bulb that struck Zander's mind. He quickly stood up from his seat.

He finally knew what to give Luke.

Just when Zander was about to say his responce, the bell suddenly rang. He grabbed his backpack as it was time to get to the next class.

"Drew, could you come with me to the Art Room after school? I need to get something there."

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