Chapter 9: Understanding

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Alright before I continue this part:

Happy late Thanksgiving people! (If you celerbrate it or not) I just want to say thank you to those who read this story (it's honestly so bad than what I had hoped imo- ;w;) but I really appreciate your lovely comments, votes, and more!

Putting that aside- Anybody seen the teaser for episode 8!? Does anybody have a theory of what could happen? 👀

Alright, now without futher-ado. Let's get started with this VERY extremely cringy part!:

"Zander?! W-wait! It's not what it looks like!"

The ombre boy took a moment to stare at his stepsister and his boyfriend. Luke, then Hailey. Hailey, then Luke. He was pining her against the wall with piles of books and photos down on the floor. Zander clenched his fists and shook his head.

"Y-you know what!?" He tried to smile and to fight- to hold back the tears, but he didn't know what else to do. He wanted to scream at them, but his head didn't make him to. He wanted to cry, but instead, he backed away with no emotion. "I-I need to go!" And without hesitation, he ran away, exiting the english classroom

"Zander, wait!" Luke called out worriedly, but once he went outside the English classroom, he was know where to be seen. His eyes widened as a familiar magenta haired boy ran with a angry look on his face.

Hailey turned to Luke and nodded, signaling that they both need to run, and so, they both follow the magenta haired boy.


"W-Where is he?" Drew checked the stairs and his friend was no where to be seen. He put a hand on his head, shaking it.

He turned his back and found a aqua haired girl followed by auburn boy out of breath. He tried to get some air. "Drew, what are you doing?"

"That's not the right question, freak!" Drew hissed. He step forwards, clenching his fists."What are you doing?! What did you do, and where is Zander?!"

"We don't know where he is!" Hailey groaned. "We need to split up and find him!"

"I need to figure out what you two turds did first! He ran away from that English classroom just when I was about to follow him! And look who I see inside? You two!"

Hailey and Luke looked at each other awkwardly. "Whatever he saw inside there-- it was a misunderstanding..."

"Oh yeah?" Drew asked, not believing. "How so?"



10 minutes before:

"This scrapbook is almost complete, Hailey. All I need is me and Zander in junior year and we'll be all done!" Luke excitedly squealed, hugging the scrapbook he had for his beloved another time. "I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees this and the new piano."

"I know right?" The female singer laughed, trying to fix the printer. "I could also perform 'Meant to Be' tomorrow."

"I could thank Milly and Stacy so much for helping us out-- especially you." Luke giggled; he opened the scrapbook, revealing a picture of all 3 of them. Hailey, Luke, and of course, Zander. "Thank you, Hailey."

"Of course. It's the least I could do for my favorite to-be brother. Even though his ideas for impressing Zander are completely corny." The aqua haired girl smirked, finally getting the final photos out. "Perfect! All we need is some colored paper, glitter glue, and more purple, orange glitter and we'll be done." She walked towards Luke, almost tripping on one of the books on the floor. She landed, one hand holding the top of the desk and another one with all the photos. There was a loud thud to go with it.

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